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 get to know your fellow members
Name: Zara
Age: 23
Birthday: 20 November 1988
Location: Torquay, England
Height: 6ft 5~
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue-grey-green. Sometimes reddy orange when I'm pissed. n.n"
Live With: Mother... T_T
Pets: Three deceased hamsters, two deceased dog, many soon-to-be deceased-fish..
Relationships: As in in one, or want one? Not in one... Do want one. T_T
Dream Job: Bar manager~ <3
Currently Playing: Zelda - Majora's Mask & Monster Hunter Tri
RM2K, RM2K3, or RMXP?: None. RMVX Ace~

Favourite Food: Oh hell yeah Sushi~ Ice cream and curry~
Favourite Drink: Tea, Vodka and Raspberry Sourz~
Favourite Color: Ice/Sky blue
Favourite Book: Ohum... Err... Maybe Lord of the Rings? Dark Tower? Too many... ><
Favourite kinda of Music: Steampunk/Industrial
Favourite Bands: DOCTOR STEEL!!!! <3 Metallica, Queen, Meatloaf, Daft Punk, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, many, many others.
Favourite Albums: No idea. ><
Favourite Fictional Heroes: Hmm... I have no heroes. Only villains and anti-heroes~ <3
Favourite Games: LoZ: Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword, Guitar Hero, Silent Hill.
Favourite Genre of Game: RPG/Horror/Thriller/Suspense
Favourite Art Style: Manga, Dark Fantasy.
Favourite Hobbies: Drawing, playing piano/keyboard/melodica, [censored], walking around looking f****** awesome! Also a pro-level Pump It Up Player.
Favourite Movies: Lord of the Rings, Donnie Darko, Silent Hill, Saw, Harry Potter, One Missed Call (Jap version), Premonition (Jap version), The Grudge, The Ring.
Favourite Shows: Doctor Who and The Big Bang Theory~~ <3<3<3
Favourite School Subject: OMFGAWD PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS~! <3<3
Favourite Toy: I agree with the above, Lego is a great way to vent my creativity. I also like trains... I REALLY like trains... >.>"

Weapon Of Choice: Scalpel~
Ideal Vehicle: Anything armoured and powerful enough to plough through a crowd. Or a Train. Or an Airship. Or an armoured airship with a train inside. >.>"
Random Things You Collect: Medieval/Oriental weaponry, Scalpels (I have a rather large collection~) horror/undead dolls.

Sitting On Your Desk: Hard drive, speakers, tea cup, pencils, paper, eraser, bottle of ink, microphone, paint.
Place you most want to visit: Hell. I hear it's nice in the summer.
Language you most want to learn: Well... I mastered binary, morse and ROT 13 Caesarian... I guess... Japanese next. XD
[Image: Angel.gif]
[Image: RMVXB-1.png][Image: gMakerBar.png]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: get to know your fellow members - by ClockworkAngel - 03-30-2012, 09:07 PM
RE: get to know your fellow members - by Zackwell - 03-31-2012, 12:08 AM
RE: get to know your fellow members - by LagunaX1 - 03-31-2012, 01:37 AM
RE: get to know your fellow members - by Ace - 03-31-2012, 05:25 AM
RE: get to know your fellow members - by Zackwell - 03-31-2012, 05:46 PM
RE: get to know your fellow members - by Yin - 04-01-2012, 05:12 AM

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