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Mining Engine and Smithing Engine
Mining Engine and Smithing Engine
by Near Fantastica
Jan 20, 2004

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.


Lets the player dig for Gems and Ore when the A key is depressed. The script calculates the finding of objects based on terrain value if it is Zero then is randomly chooses if you fine a Gem based on your Mining Level. If it higher then Zero then is generates a random number based on the terrain 1 to 4 for Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mithril and your Mining level.

As well there is the shop window where you can customize the party’s weapons. With in that window you can upgrade weapons and amour. Upgrading weapons and armor adds more slots and makes the weapons do more damage and makes the armor more affective. Adding a Gem to a slot adds and Elemental effect to each weapon in the party. But if you remove the Gem you lose that Elemental effect and the Gem.


This is a Basic Script I purposely strip it down the bare basic so that people could easily customize it to what ever they wanted… I challenge anyone and everyone to improve this script to the best it can be… there is so much more that could be added to this script¦


Create a new page call it Smiting_Engine and add the following code to it¦
# **  Mining Engine and Smithing Engine
#  By: Near Fantastica
#   Date:  20/1/04
#   Press X to dig for jems and ore calculates return based on terrian values and mining Level
#   Upgrade a weapon with ore and gold for higher damage and more alment slots
#   Alment a weapon with jems to add elemental damge to it

class  Scene_Title
# â—? Refer setup to Scene Title
alias scene_title_command_new_game command_new_game
# â—? Sets up mining engine
def command_new_game
  $mining_engine =

class  Scene_Map
# â—? Refer setup to Scene Title
alias scene_map_update update
# â—? Sets up mining engine
def update
  # X ボタンã?Œæ� ¼ã?•ã‚Œã?Ÿå� ´å?ˆ
  if Input.trigger?(Input::X)

class Mining_Engine
# â—? Open instance variable
attr_accessor :ore
attr_accessor :jems
attr_accessor :amour_slots
attr_accessor :weapon_slots
attr_accessor :weapon_level
attr_accessor :armour_level
# â—? Activate
def initialize
  @ore = {}
  @ore[0] = 0
  @ore[1] = 0
  @ore[2] = 0
  @ore[3]  = 0
  @jems = {}
  @jems[0] = 0
  @jems[1] = 0
  @jems[2] = 0
  @jems[3] = 0
  @jems[4] = 0
  @jems[5] = 0
  @jems[6] = 0
  @jems[7] = 0
  @mining_level = 100
  @amour_slots = {}
  @amour_slots[0] = "Slot One"
  @amour_slots[1] = "Slot Two"
  @amour_slots[2] = "Slot Three"
  @amour_slots[3] = "Slot Four"
  @amour_slots[4] = "Slot Five"
  @weapon_slots = {}
  @weapon_slots[0] = "Slot One"
  @weapon_slots[1] = "Slot Two"
  @weapon_slots[2] = "Slot Three"
  @weapon_slots[3] = "Slot Four"
  @weapon_slots[4] = "Slot Five"
  @weapon_level = 0
  @armour_level = 0
# â—? Dig
def dig
  #Check Terrain
  if $game_map.terrain_tag($game_player.x, $game_player.y) == 0
    # Check mining for Jems
      if @mining_level >= rand(1000)
        @jems[rand(8)] += 1
        @mining_level += 1
    #Check mining for Ore
    if @mining_level >= rand(1000)
      @ore[rand($game_map.terrain_tag($game_player.x, $game_player.y))] += 1
      @mining_level += 1

# â–�  Window_Jem_Command
#  It is the window which does jem command selection.

class Window_Jem_Command < Window_Selectable
# â—? Object initialization
#     width    : Width of window
#     height    : Height of window
#     commands : Arrangement in command character string
def initialize(width, height, commands)
  # Calculating the height of the window from the quantity of command
  super(0, 0, width, height)
  @item_max = commands.size
  @column_max = 2
  @commands = commands
  self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype
  self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
  self.index = 0
# â—? Refreshment
def refresh
  for i in 0...@item_max
    draw_item(i, normal_color)
# â—? Drawing of item
#     index : Item number
#     color : Letter color
def draw_item(index, color)
  self.contents.font.color = color
  self.contents.draw_text(50, 0, 220, 32, "Ruby")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[0].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(270, 0, 220, 32, "Iolite")
  self.contents.draw_text(220, 0, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[1].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(50, 32, 220, 32, "Amethyist")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 32, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[2].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(270, 32, 220, 32, "Saphire")
  self.contents.draw_text(220, 32, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[3].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(50, 64, 220, 32, "Topaz")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 64, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[4].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(270, 64, 220, 32, "Emerald")
  self.contents.draw_text(220, 64, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[5].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(50, 96, 220, 32, "Diamond")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 96, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[6].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(270, 96, 220, 32, "Oblivion")
  self.contents.draw_text(220, 96, 180, 32, $mining_engine.jems[7].to_s, 2)
# â—? Nullfication of item
#     index : Item number
def disable_item(index)
  draw_item(index, disabled_color)

# â–�  Window_Wepon
#  Spacer Window for Wepon

class Window_Wepon_Spacer < Window_Base
# â—? Object initialization
def initialize
  super(0, 0, 60, 190)
  self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype
  self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# â—? Refreshment
def refresh
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 120, 32, "W")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 25, 120, 32, "E")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 50, 120, 32, "A")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 75, 120, 32, "P")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 100, 120, 32, "O")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 125, 120, 32, "N")

# â–�  Window_Armor
#  Spacer Window for Armor

class Window_Armor_Spacer < Window_Base
# â—? Object initialization
def initialize
  super(0, 0, 60, 190)
  self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype
  self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# â—? Refreshment
def refresh
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 120, 32, "A")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 30, 120, 32, "R")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 60, 120, 32, "M")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 90, 120, 32, "O")
  self.contents.draw_text(0, 120, 120, 32, "R")

# â–�  Window_Smithing_Gold
#  It is the window which indicates the gold

class Window_Synthesis_Gold < Window_Base
# â—? Object initialization
def initialize
  super(0, 0, 640, 60)
  self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype
  self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# â—? Refreshment
def refresh
  self.contents.font.color = normal_color
  self.contents.draw_text(50, 0, 160, 32, "Gold")
  self.contents.draw_text(50, 0, 120, 32, $, 2)

# â–�  Window_Ore
#  Calcucates the ore the player has a draws the vaule

class Window_Ore < Window_Base
# â—? Object initialization
def initialize
  super(0, 0, 200, 230)
  self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype
  self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
# â—? Refreshment
def refresh
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 20, 160, 32, "Copper",1)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 20, 160, 32, $mining_engine.ore[0].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 60, 160, 32, "Silver",1)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 60, 160, 32, $mining_engine.ore[1].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 100, 160, 32, "Gold",1)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 100, 160, 32, $mining_engine.ore[2].to_s, 2)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 140, 160, 32, "Mithril",1)
  self.contents.draw_text(4, 140, 160, 32, $mining_engine.ore[3].to_s, 2)

# â–�  Scene_Synthesis
#  Shop window for Wepon and Armor Synthesis

class Scene_Synthesis
# â—? Object initialization
#     menu_index : Cursor initial position of command
def initialize(menu_index = 0)
  @menu_index = menu_index
# â—? Main processing
def main
  # refreshment of windows
  # Transition execution
  # Main loop
  loop do
    # Renewing the game picture
    # Updating the information of input
    # フレーãƒ� æ›´æ–°
    # When the picture changes, discontinuing the loop
    if $scene != self
  # Transition preparation
  # Releasing the windows
# â—? Refreshment
def refresh
  # Drawing up the command window
  s1 = "Upgrade Wepon"
  s2 = "Upgrade Armor"
  s3 = "Alment Wepon"
  s4 = "Alment Armour"
  s5 = "Back"
  @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4,s5])
  @command_window.x = 0
  @command_window.y = 0
  # Drawing up the weapon spacer window
  @wepon_spacer_window =
  @wepon_spacer_window.x = 200
  @wepon_spacer_window.y = 0
  # Drawing up the weapon window
  @weapon = {}
  @weapon[0] = ""
  @weapon[1] = ""
  @weapon[2] = ""
  @weapon[3] = ""
  @weapon[4] = ""
  for i in 0..$mining_engine.weapon_level
    @weapon[i] = $mining_engine.weapon_slots[i]
  @wepon_window =, @weapon) = false
  @wepon_window.index = -1
  @wepon_window.x = 260
  @wepon_window.y = 0
  # Drawing up the armor spacer window
  @armor_spacer_window =
  @armor_spacer_window.x = 420
  @armor_spacer_window.y = 0
  # Drawing up the armor window
  @armour = {}
  @armour[0] = ""
  @armour[1] = ""
  @armour[2] = ""
  @armour[3] = ""
  @armour[4] = ""
  for i in 0..$mining_engine.armour_level
    @armour[i] = $mining_engine.amour_slots[i]
  @armour_window =, @armour) = false
  @armour_window.index = -1
  @armour_window.x = 480
  @armour_window.y = 0
  # Drawing up the gold window
  @gold_window = Window_Synthesis_Gold .new
  @gold_window.x = 0
  @gold_window.y = 420
  # Drawing up the ore window
  @ore_window =
  @ore_window.x = 0
  @ore_window.y = 190
  # Drawing up the jems window
  @jems = {}
  @jems[0] = "Ruby"
  @jems[1] = "Iolite"
  @jems[2] = "Amethyist"
  @jems[3] = "Saphire"
  @jems[4] = "Topaz"
  @jems[5] = "Emerald"
  @jems[6] = "Diamond"
  @jems[7] = "Oblivion"
  @jem_window =, 230,@jems) = false
  @jem_window.index = -1
  @jem_window.x = 200
  @jem_window.y = 190
# â—? Frame renewal
def update
  # Renewing the window
  # When the command window is active,: update_command is called
  #When the jem window is active,: update_jems is called
  #When the weapon window is active,: update_wepon is called
  #When the armour window is active,: update_armour is called
# â—? When frame renewal (the command window is active)
def update_command
  # B When the button is pushed
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    # Performing cancellation SE
    # Change to menu picture
    $scene =
  # When C button is pushed
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
    # It diverges at cursor position of the command window
    case @command_window.index
    when 0  
      case  $mining_engine.weapon_level
      when -1
        # Upgrade weapon to level 1
        if $ == 10
          $mining_engine.weapon_level += 1
          $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].atk += 20
      when 0
        # Upgrade weapon to level 2
        if $ == 20
          if $mining_engine.ore[0] == 50
            $mining_engine.weapon_level += 1
            $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].atk += 40
      when 1
        # Upgrade weapon to level 3
        if $ == 40
          if $mining_engine.ore[1] == 50
            $mining_engine.weapon_level += 1
            $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].atk += 80
      when 2
        # Upgrade weapon to level 4
        if $ == 80
          if $mining_engine.ore[2] == 50
            $mining_engine.weapon_level += 1
            $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].atk += 120
      when 3
        # Upgrade weapon to level 5
        if $ == 120
          if $mining_engine.ore[3] == 50
            $mining_engine.weapon_level += 1
            $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].atk += 320
      # Releasing the windows
    when 1
      case  $mining_engine.armour_level
      when -1
        # Upgrade armour to level 1
        if $ == 10
          $mining_engine.armour_level += 1
          $data_armours[$data_actors[1].armour_id].pdef += 20
      when 0
        # Upgrade armour to level 2
        if $ == 20
          if $mining_engine.ore[0] == 50
            $mining_engine.armour_level += 1
            $data_armours[$data_actors[1].armour_id].pdef += 40
      when 1
        # Upgrade armour to level 3
        if $ == 40
          if $mining_engine.ore[1] == 50
            $mining_engine.armour_level += 1
            $data_armours[$data_actors[1].armour_id].pdef += 80
      when 2
        # Upgrade armour to level 4
        if $ == 80
          if $mining_engine.ore[2] == 50
            $mining_engine.armour_level += 1
            $data_armours[$data_actors[1].armour_id].pdef += 120
      when 3
        # Upgrade armour to level 5
        if $ == 120
          if $mining_engine.ore[3] == 50
            $mining_engine.armour_level += 1
            $data_armours[$data_actors[1].armour_id].pdef += 320
      # Releasing the windows
    when 2
      # The jem window is made active = false = true
      @jem_window.index = 0
    when 3
      # The jem window is made active = false = true
      @jem_window.index = 0
# â—? When frame renewal (the jems window is active)
def update_jems
  # B When the button is pushed
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    # Performing cancellation SE
    # The command window is made active = true = false
    @jem_window.index = -1
  # When C button is pushed,
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
    # It diverges at cursor position of the command window
    case @jem_window.index
    when 0
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 1
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 2
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 3
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 4
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 5
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 6
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
    when 7
      if $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] == 0
        # Performing decision SE
        # Performing decision SE
        # determining weapon or armour active
        if @command_window.index == 2
 = true
          @wepon_window.index = 0
 = false
 = true
          @armour_window.index = 0
 = false
# â—? When frame renewal (the weapon window is active)
def update_wepon
  # The B when button is pushed
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    # Performing cancellation SE
    # The jem window is made active = true = false
    @wepon_window.index = -1
  # When C button is pushed,
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
    # if weapon dose equal nothing then add Alment
    if @weapon[@wepon_window.index] != ""
      add_wepon_alment(@wepon_window.index, @jem_window.index)
# â—? When frame renewal (the armor window is active)
def update_armour
  # The B when button is pushed,
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    # Performing cancellation SE
    # The jem window is made active = true = false
    @armour_window.index = -1
  # When C button is pushed,
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
    # if armour dose equal nothing then add Alment
    if @armour[@armour_window.index] != ""
      add_armour_alment(@armour_window.index, @jem_window.index)
# â—? Add Armour Alment
def add_armour_alment(place, attribute)
  $data_armors[$data_actors[1].armor3_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $data_armors[$data_actors[2].armor3_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $data_armors[$data_actors[3].armor3_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $data_armors[$data_actors[4].armor3_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $mining_engine.armour_slots[@armour_window.index] = @jems[@jem_window.index]
  $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] -= 1
  # Releasing the windows
# â—? Add Wepon Alment
def add_wepon_alment(place, attribute)
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[2].weapon_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[3].weapon_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[4].weapon_id].element_set[place] = attribute
  $mining_engine.weapon_slots[@wepon_window.index] = @jems[@jem_window.index]
  $mining_engine.jems[@jem_window.index] -= 1
  # Releasing the windows
# â—? Remove Wepon Alment
def remove_wepon_alment(place)
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[1].weapon_id].element_set[place] = nil
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[2].weapon_id].element_set[place] = nil
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[3].weapon_id].element_set[place] = nil
  $data_weapons[$data_actors[4].weapon_id].element_set[place] = nil
# â—? Remove Armour Alment
def add_armour_alment(place, attribute)
  $data_armors[$data_actors[1].armor3_id].element_set[place] = nil
  $data_armors[$data_actors[2].armor3_id].element_set[place] = nil
  $data_armors[$data_actors[3].armor3_id].element_set[place] = nil
  $data_armors[$data_actors[4].armor3_id].element_set[place] = nil

To use this script add the following into a event script call or a menu item..
$scene =

To dig for Gems and Ore press the A key

Take Care,

Messages In This Thread
Mining Engine and Smithing Engine - by Near Fantastica - 01-20-2004, 01:00 PM

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