09-23-2006, 01:00 PM
Battle Result Window Plus
A kinda nicer-looking Window_BattleResult
by Ragnarok Rob
Sep 23 2006
Version: 1.01
This is a better looking version of the battle result window. Instead of that crappy one-lined message box, it is a larger window, divided by little rectangles. Theres a gold section, an experience section, and if you win treasures, a nice section for that too!
Just put this anywhere above main!
Compatability Issues
None that i know of...
The Script!
Next Version?
Hopefully in the next version i'll find a way to make a 2 by X table of items to save size!
A kinda nicer-looking Window_BattleResult
by Ragnarok Rob
Sep 23 2006
Version: 1.01
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.
This is a better looking version of the battle result window. Instead of that crappy one-lined message box, it is a larger window, divided by little rectangles. Theres a gold section, an experience section, and if you win treasures, a nice section for that too!
Just put this anywhere above main!
Compatability Issues
None that i know of...
The Script!
# ** Battle Result Window Plus (WBR+)
# A cleaner, bigger, and better organized battle result window
class Window_BattleResult < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(exp, gold, treasures)
#Make attributes
@exp = exp
@gold = gold
@treasures = treasures
#Draw new window
super(160, 40, 320, @treasures.size * 32 + 200)
#Make the window's bitmap
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"
self.contents.font.size = 22
self.y = 160 - height / 2
#Make the bitmap invisible
self.visible = false
# * Refresh
def refresh
#Initialize string-width variables
wx = contents.text_size("Winnings: ").width
gx = contents.text_size(@gold.to_s + " ").width
tx = contents.text_size("Total: ").width
ex = contents.text_size(@exp.to_s + " ").width
#If you win items in battle
if @treasures.size != 0
#Set font color
self.contents.font.color = system_color
#Draw victory text
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 288, 32, "Victory!", 1)
#Make division rectangle
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 32, 288, 2, normal_color)
#Gold Section
self.contents.draw_text(0, 34, 288, 32, $data_system.words.gold)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 70, 288, 32, "Winnings: ")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(wx, 70, 288, 32, @gold.to_s)
@gold += $game_party.gold
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(wx + gx, 70, 288, 32, "Total: ")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(wx + gx + tx, 70, 288, 32, @gold.to_s)
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 102, 288, 2, normal_color)
#Experience Section
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 104, 288, 32, "Experience")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 136, 288, 32, @exp.to_s)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(ex, 136, 288, 32, "Ex Points")
#Treasures Section
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 168, 288, 2, normal_color)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 170, 288, 32, "Treasure")
x = 4
y = 202
for item in @treasures
draw_item_name(item, x, y)
y += 32
#If you don't win any items...ha ha! You lose!...ahem
#Set font color
self.contents.font.color = system_color
#Draw victory text
self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 288, 32, "Victory!", 1)
#Make division rectangle
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 32, 288, 2, normal_color)
#Gold Section
self.contents.draw_text(0, 34, 288, 32, $data_system.words.gold)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 70, 288, 32, "Winnings: ")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(wx, 70, 288, 32, @gold.to_s)
@gold += $game_party.gold
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(wx + gx, 70, 288, 32, "Total: ")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(wx + gx + tx, 70, 288, 32, @gold.to_s)
self.contents.fill_rect(0, 102, 288, 2, normal_color)
#Experience Section
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 104, 288, 32, "Experience")
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(0, 136, 288, 32, @exp.to_s)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(ex, 136, 288, 32, "Ex Points")
Next Version?
Hopefully in the next version i'll find a way to make a 2 by X table of items to save size!