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Seperate Items For Actors
Seperate Items For Actors
by SephirothSpawn
Version: 1 (2.02.06)

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given.


Lets You assing Character's Items, that only they can access in the Battle System

  • Press 1 - 4 to Assign Weapons to Actors in Party (In item window)
  • Press C in Item Cache Scene, to Un-Assign Items from Characters
  • Press A in the Item scene to jump to the item Cache Scene, and A to go back
  • Lets Battlers Use items only for them within battle. Cannot access party items in battle.
  • Supports Animated Character Sprites or Battlers


.zip (Size: 209.29 KB / Downloads: 6)

# Seperate Items For Actors
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 1
# 2.02.06
# Thanks to Near Fantastica for his Keyboard Module, and  Katzbalger for requesting it

# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log("Seperate Items For Actors", "SephirothSpawn", 1, "2.02.06")

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.state("Seperate Items For Actors") == true
# ** Keyboard Input Module
# Near Fantastica
# Version 5
# 29.11.05
# The Keyboard Input Module is designed to function as the default Input module
# dose. It is better then other methods keyboard input because as a key is
# tested it is not removed form the list. so you can test the same key multiple
# times the same loop.

module Keyboard
  @keys = []
  @pressed = []
  Mouse_Left = 1
  Mouse_Right = 2
  Back= 8
  Tab = 9
  Enter = 13
  Shift = 16
  Ctrl = 17
  Alt = 18
  Esc = 27
  Space = 32
  Numberkeys = {}
  Numberkeys[0] = 48
  Numberkeys[1] = 49
  Numberkeys[2] = 50
  Numberkeys[3] = 51
  Numberkeys[4] = 52
  Numberkeys[5] = 53
  Numberkeys[6] = 54
  Numberkeys[7] = 55
  Numberkeys[8] = 56
  Numberkeys[9] = 57
  Numberpad = {}
  Numberpad[0] = 45
  Numberpad[1] = 35
  Numberpad[2] = 40
  Numberpad[3] = 34
  Numberpad[4] = 37
  Numberpad[5] = 12
  Numberpad[6] = 39
  Numberpad[7] = 36
  Numberpad[8] = 38
  Numberpad[9] = 33
  Letters = {}
  Letters["A"] = 65
  Letters["B"] = 66
  Letters["C"] = 67
  Letters["D"] = 68
  Letters["E"] = 69
  Letters["F"] = 70
  Letters["G"] = 71
  Letters["H"] = 72
  Letters["I"] = 73
  Letters["J"] = 74
  Letters["K"] = 75
  Letters["L"] = 76
  Letters["M"] = 77
  Letters["N"] = 78
  Letters["O"] = 79
  Letters["P"] = 80
  Letters["Q"] = 81
  Letters["R"] = 82
  Letters["S"] = 83
  Letters["T"] = 84
  Letters["U"] = 85
  Letters["V"] = 86
  Letters["W"] = 87
  Letters["X"] = 88
  Letters["Y"] = 89
  Letters["Z"] = 90
  Fkeys = {}
  Fkeys[1] = 112
  Fkeys[2] = 113
  Fkeys[3] = 114
  Fkeys[4] = 115
  Fkeys[5] = 116
  Fkeys[6] = 117
  Fkeys[7] = 118
  Fkeys[8] = 119
  Fkeys[9] = 120
  Fkeys[10] = 121
  Fkeys[11] = 122
  Fkeys[12] = 123
  Collon = 186
  Equal = 187
  Comma = 188
  Underscore = 189
  Dot = 190
  Backslash = 191
  Lb = 219
  Rb = 221
  Quote = 222
  State ="user32","GetKeyState",['i'],'i')
  Key ="user32","GetAsyncKeyState",['i'],'i')
  def Keyboard.getstate(key)
    return true unless, 1)
    return false
  def Keyboard.testkey(key) & 0x01 == 1
  def Keyboard.update
    @keys = []
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Left) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Right) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Back) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Back)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Tab) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Tab)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Enter) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Enter)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Shift) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Shift)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Ctrl) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Ctrl)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Alt) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Alt)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Esc) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Esc)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Space) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Space)
    for key in Keyboard::Numberkeys.values
      @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
    for key in Keyboard::Numberpad.values
      @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
    for key in Keyboard::Letters.values
      @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
    for key in Keyboard::Fkeys.values
      @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Collon) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Collon)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Equal) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Equal)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Comma) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Comma)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Underscore) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Underscore)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Dot) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Dot)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Backslash) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Backslash)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Lb) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Lb)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Rb) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Rb)
    @keys.push(Keyboard::Quote) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Quote)
    @pressed = []
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Left) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Right) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Back) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Back)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Tab) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Tab)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Enter) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Enter)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Shift) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Shift)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Ctrl) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Ctrl)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Alt) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Alt)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Esc) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Esc)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Space) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Space)
    for key in Keyboard::Numberkeys.values
      @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
    for key in Keyboard::Numberpad.values
      @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
    for key in Keyboard::Letters.values
      @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
    for key in Keyboard::Fkeys.values
      @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Collon) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Collon)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Equal) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Equal)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Comma) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Comma)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Underscore) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Underscore)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Dot) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Dot)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Backslash) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Backslash)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Lb) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Lb)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Rb) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Rb)
    @pressed.push(Keyboard::Quote) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Quote)
  def Keyboard.trigger?(key)
    return true if @keys.include?(key)
    return false
  def Keyboard.pressed?(key)
    return true if @pressed.include?(key)
    return false

# ** Bitmap

class Bitmap
  # * Scale Blt
  def scale_blt(dest_rect, src_bitmap,
    src_rect =, 0, src_bitmap.width, src_bitmap.height), opacity = 255)
    w, h = src_rect.width, src_rect.height
    scale = [w / dest_rect.width.to_f, h / dest_rect.height.to_f].max
    ow, oh = (w / scale).to_i, (h / scale).to_i
    ox, oy = (dest_rect.width - ow) / 2, (dest_rect.height - oh) / 2
    stretch_blt( + dest_rect.x, oy + dest_rect.y, ow, oh),
      src_bitmap, src_rect )

# ** Game_Party

class Game_Party
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :items
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_individualactorcache_gameparty_item_number item_number
  # * Get Number of Items Possessed
  #     item_id : item ID
  def item_number(item_id)
    # If In Battle, loads Active Battler Numbers
    if $game_temp.in_battle
      n = 0
      for item in $scene.active_battler.item_cache
        if == item_id
          n += 1
      return n
      # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
      return @items.include?(item_id) ? @items[item_id] : 0

# ** Game_Actor

class Game_Actor
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :item_cache
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_individualactorcache_gameactor_setup setup
  # * Setup
  def setup(actor_id)
    # Sets Item Cache
    @item_cache = []
    # Original Actor Setup Method
  # * Assign Item
  #     item_id : Items ID #
  def assign_item(item_id)
    item = $data_items[item_id]
    unless item.nil?
      @item_cache << item
      @item_cache.sort! {|a, b|<=>}
      item_number = $game_party.items.include?(item_id) ? $game_party.items[item_id] : 0
      $game_party.items[item_id] = [[item_number - 1, 0].max, 99].min
  # * Unassign Item
  #     item_id : Items ID #
  def unassign_item(item_id)
    item = $data_items[item_id]
    unless item.nil?
      if @item_cache.include?(item)
        $game_party.gain_item(item_id, 1)
  # * Use Item
  #     item_id : Items ID #
  def use_item(item_id)
    item = $data_items[item_id]
    unless item.nil?
      for i in 0...@item_cache.size
        if item == @item_cache[i]

# ** Scene_Battle

class Scene_Battle
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :active_battler

# ** Window_Item

class Window_Item < Window_Selectable
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    # For Out Of Battle Use
    unless $game_temp.in_battle
      # Add item
      for i in 1...$data_items.size
        if $game_party.item_number(i) > 0
      # Adds In Actor Item Cache
      for actor in $game_party.actors
        for item in actor.item_cache
          @data << item unless @data.include?(item)
      # Also add weapons and items if outside of battle
      for i in 1...$data_weapons.size
        if $game_party.weapon_number(i) > 0
      for i in 1...$data_armors.size
        if $game_party.armor_number(i) > 0
    # For In Battle Use
      for item in $scene.active_battler.item_cache
        @data << item
    # If item count is not 0, make a bit map and draw all items
    @item_max = @data.size
    if @item_max > 0
      self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
      for i in 0...@item_max

# ** Window_ItemCacheHeading

class Window_ItemCacheHeading < Window_Base
  # * Constant
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(actor_index)
    super(actor_index * 160, 64, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @frame = 0
    refresh(@actor = $game_party.actors[actor_index])
  # * Refresh
  def refresh(actor = @actor)
    @actor = actor
    return if @actor.nil?
    # Draws Actors Name
    self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, contents.width - 8, 32,, 1)
    # Draws Actors Sprite
      draw_sprite(0, 32, 128, 96, @actor.character_name, @actor.character_hue, 0, @frame)
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(@actor.battler_name, @actor.battler_hue)
      self.contents.scale_blt(, 32, 128, 96), bitmap)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If Character Sprite
      if Graphics.frame_count % 10 == 0
        @frame == 3 ? @frame = 0 : @frame += 1
  # * Draw Sprite
  def draw_sprite(x, y, w, h, name, hue, stance, frame)
    # Gets Bitmap
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(name, hue)
    # Bitmap Division
    cw, ch = bitmap.width / 4,  bitmap.height / 4
    # Gets Animation Offsets
    x_off, y_off = cw * frame, ch * stance
    # Draws Bitmap
    self.contents.scale_blt(, y, w, h), bitmap,, y_off, cw, ch))

# ** Window_ItemCache

class Window_ItemCache < Window_Selectable
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(actor_index)
    super(actor_index * 160, 224, 160, 256)
    @actor = $game_party.actors[actor_index]
    self.index = 0 = false
  # * Get Item
  def item
    return @data[self.index]
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    # Adds In Actor Item Cache
    @actor.item_cache.sort! {|a, b|<=>}
    for item in @actor.item_cache
      @data << item
    # If item count is not 0, make a bit map and draw all items
    @item_max = @data.size
    if @item_max > 0
      self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
      for i in 0...@item_max
  # * Draw Item
  #     index : item number
  def draw_item(index)
    item, y = @data[index], index * 32
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    self.contents.blt(0, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
    self.contents.draw_text(32, y, 212, 32,

# ** Scene_ActorCache

class Scene_ItemCache
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    @help_window =
      @help_window.set_text('Select Item To Unassign', 1)
    @scene_objects = [@help_window]
    for i in 0..3
      eval "@actor_#{i}_heading ={i})"
      eval "@scene_objects << @actor_#{i}_heading"
      eval "@actor_#{i}_cache ={i})"
      eval "@scene_objects << @actor_#{i}_cache"
    end = true
    @actor_index = 0
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    while $scene == self
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Updates Scene Objects
      @scene_objects.each {|x| x.update}
      # Frame update
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose Scene Objects
    @scene_objects.each {|x| x.dispose}
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If B button is pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Switch to menu screen
      $scene =
    # If C button is pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      item = eval "@actor_#{@actor_index}_cache.item"
      if item.nil?
        # Plays Buzzer SE
      # Plays Decision SE
      # Usassins Item
      # Refreshes Window
      eval "@actor_#{@actor_index}_cache.refresh"
    # If Left or Right Buttons Are Pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
      # Plays Cursor SE
      # Deativates Current Window
      eval "@actor_#{@actor_index} = false"
      # Changes Window Index
      @actor_index == 0 ? @actor_index = 3 : @actor_index -= 1
      # Actives New Window
      eval "@actor_#{@actor_index} = true"
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
      # Plays Cursor SE
      # Deativates Current Window
      eval "@actor_#{@actor_index} = false"
      # Changes Window Index
      @actor_index == 3 ? @actor_index = 0 : @actor_index += 1
      # Actives New Window
      eval "@actor_#{@actor_index} = true"
    # If A button is pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::A)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Switch to Item Cache screen
      $scene =

# ** Scene_Item

class Scene_Item
  # * Alias Listings
  alias seph_individualactorcache_sceneitem_update update
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Updates Near's Keyboard Module
    # Assign To Player 1
    if Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Numberkeys[1])
      # If Actor is nil
      if $game_party.actors[0].nil?
      # Plays Decison SE
      # Assigns Item
      # Refreshs Window
    # Assign To Player 2
    if Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Numberkeys[2])
      # If Actor is nil
      if $game_party.actors[1].nil?
      # Plays Decison SE
      # Assigns Item
      # Refreshs Window
    # Assign To Player 3
    if Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Numberkeys[3])
      # If Actor is nil
      if $game_party.actors[2].nil?
      # Plays Decison SE
      # Assigns Item
      # Refreshs Window
    # Assign To Player 4
    if Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Numberkeys[4])
      # If Actor is nil
      if $game_party.actors[3].nil?
      # Plays Decison SE
      # Assigns Item
      # Refreshs Window
    # If A button is pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::A)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Switch to item screen
      $scene =
    # Orginal Update Method

# * End SDK Enable Test


Copy and Paste the code above Main.

To change from Character Sprites to Battlers, find the line:
and change to false


None Yet


Can work with or without SDK.
Only the refresh method was re-wrote in Window_Item. Make sure no other script has this method ocupied.

Credits and Thanks

Near Fantastica for his Keyboard Module
Katzbalger for requesting this script

Messages In This Thread
Seperate Items For Actors - by SephirothSpawn - 02-02-2006, 01:00 PM

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