Monster drop more than one item.
Hima's Monster Drop Item
by Hima
v. 1.0
Apr 25 2007

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The Script
# * Hima's Monster Drop Item v. 1.0
# This script will allow you to create a monster that drop various item with
# different rarity. You can do this by naming the monster with special pattern
#                     "Monstername-spdrop-r(type)(id)-u(type)(id)-c(type)(id)"
#    (type)    =    Insert w,a or i in here. w = weapon, a = armor, i = item.
#    (id)        =    Insert the id of item/weapon/armor that the monster will drop here.
# So if you want the rare item to be weapon id 1, uncommon item to be armor id 1
#    and common item to be item id 1, this is how you name the monster
#    (assuming the monster's name is Ghost)
#                            "Ghost-spdrop-rw1-ua1-ci1"
#    If you want a monster to drop item like what RMXP default, then just don't name
# them in this special pattern :)
# contact :
  # - Customize Point -
  # SPDROP_KEYWORD  - This will be your keyword to tell the script that the monster will drop sp item
  # RARE_RATE -  The chance for dropping a rare item. Unit is in percentage.
  # UNCOMMON_RATE - The chance for dropping an uncommon item. Unit is in percentage.
  # *** The chance for dropping a common item will be equal to 100 subtract by the sum of the two above. ***
    SPDROP_KEYWORD    =    "-spdrop-"
    RARE_RATE                =    10
    UNCOMMON_RATE        =    30
class Scene_Battle
    def    monster_drop_item(monster)
        text =
    name =
      open = text.index('-')
            close = text.size-1
            name[open..close] = ""
        if text =~ /^#{name}#{HIMA_MONSTERDROP::SPDROP_KEYWORD}r([a-z])([0-9]+)-u([a-z])([0-9]+)-c([a-z])([0-9]+)/
            get = rand(100)
            case get
            when 0..HIMA_MONSTERDROP::RARE_RATE
                type = $1.to_s
                id = $2.to_i
                type = $3.to_s
                id = $4.to_i
                type = $5.to_s
                id = $6.to_i
            end #case
            return get_item(type,id)
          if monster.item_id > 0
        return $data_items[monster.item_id]
      if monster.weapon_id > 0
        return $data_weapons[monster.weapon_id]
      if monster.armor_id > 0
        return $data_armors[monster.armor_id]
    end #method
    def get_item(type,id)
        if id > 0
            case type
            when "w"
                return $data_weapons[id]
            when "a"
                return $data_armors[id]
            when "i"
                return $data_items[id]
            end #case
            return nil
  # - After battle phase start
  def start_phase5
    # It moves to phase 5
    @phase = 5
    # Performing battle end ME
    # You reset to BGM before the battle starting
    # Initializing EXP, the gold and the treasure
    exp = 0
    gold = 0
    treasures = []
    # Loop
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      # When the enemy hides and it is not state
      unless enemy.hidden
        # Adding acquisition EXP and the gold
        exp += enemy.exp
        gold +=
        # Treasure appearance decision
        if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
          item = monster_drop_item(enemy)
                    treasures.push(item) unless item == nil
    # It limits the number of treasures up to 6
    treasures = treasures[0..5]
    # EXP acquisition
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
        last_level = actor.level
        actor.exp += exp
        if actor.level > last_level
    # Gold acquisition
    # Treasure acquisition
    for item in treasures
      case item
      when RPG::Item
        $game_party.gain_item(, 1)
      when RPG::Weapon
        $game_party.gain_weapon(, 1)
      when RPG::Armor
        $game_party.gain_armor(, 1)
    # Drawing up the battle result window
    @result_window =, gold, treasures)
    # Setting weight count
    @phase5_wait_count = 100
end    #class

# * Window_Help
# Well we need to do something with showing Enemy's name, don't we?
class Window_Help < Window_Base
  # - Enemy setting
  #     enemy : The enemy which indicates name and the state
  def set_enemy(enemy)
    text =
      open = text.index('-')
            close = text.size-1
            text[open..close] = ""
    state_text = make_battler_state_text(enemy, 112, false)
    if state_text != ""
      text += "  " + state_text
    set_text(text, 1)

How To Use?
  1. Put this script above "Main", name it "Hima_Monster_SPDrop" (Actually it doesn't really matter :D)
  2. For a monster that you want it to drop more than one item, you have to name it according to this special pattern
    (Monster name)-spdrop-r(type)(id)-u(type)(id)-c(type)(id)

    (Monster name) = a monster's name that will be shown in the game
    (Type) = Type of item. You need to type in a character i, a or w which are item, armor and weapon, respectively.
    (ID) = item's id number, according to the database

    A monster named "Ghost" will rarely drop "Weapon 001",sometimes drop "Armor 001" and usually drop "Item 001", you need to named it like this in the database
    Like in the picture
    [Image: tutorial-1.jpg]
  3. Then, you give it a dropping rate, and any dropping item would be fine, since it won't drop the thing you choose here anyway :D
    [Image: tutorial-2.jpg]
  4. And don't worry about the complicated name, it won't be shown :)
    [Image: tutorial-3.jpg]

Cuztomize Point
  • The default dropping rate of this script is
    Rare item : 10%
    Uncommon item : 30%
    Common item : 60%
    However, these can be changed in the script. :)
  • You can change the keyword "-spdrop-" into something else.

  • A monster without this special naming pattern will drop an item just like default RMXP.
  • The rate of rare, uncommon and common item are calculated AFTER calculate the dropping chance. Example, if you set the main dropping chance to be 50% , then the game calculate whether you get the item with 50% first, then it calculate according to the script which rarity of item will you get.
  • The summation of all rarity chance are euqal to 100.

- Jabberwocky : Thanks you for helping me with the /^/ function. :D
- XRMS : My inspiration :)

Messages In This Thread
Monster drop more than one item. - by Hima - 04-25-2007, 01:00 PM

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