Letter by Letter Message Window
Letter by Letter Message Window
by Sheol
Version: 1.11

Last Update
September 8, 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.

This script introduce many new features to the RMXP's message window.

Version History
Version 1.11 (08/09/06)
  • fixed: Smooth autoclose
  • added: Frames before close
  • added: Hide pause graphic
Version 1.1 (16/08/06)
  • fixed: Path
  • added: Picture above message
  • added: Autoclose
  • added: Shadow and Outline text

  • Letter by Letter: you can or not use the letter by letter mode, like in many RPGs.
  • Name box: you can draw the name of someone in a small box above the message window. \name[text]
  • Face: you can draw a face of the one who's speaking. \face[file]
  • Font: you can change the font or size of the text. \f[name]
  • Colours: the message text now can support hexadecimal colours. \c[######]
  • Bold & Italic: now you can draw the text in bold or italic. \b \i
  • Icons: now you can draw icons in the message window. \icon[file]
  • Map name: the message window will be able to draw the name of the current map. \map
  • Over event: the message window can be drawed above any map event or the player. \p[#]
  • Stop: the message window can be stopped until the player press a key. \!
  • Autoclose: the message will close without the player input. \%
  • Shadow and Outline: the text can be drawed with an outline or with a shadow.
  • More features: see the demo to see them.


You need paste the code before Main, but below SDK.http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?showtopic=9480#
Complete Edit
Every command is explained in the demo.

To remove the SDK dependency, delete these lines:
# SDK log
SDK.log('Letter by Letter Message Window', 'Slipknot', '?.?', '??.??.??')

# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.state('Letter by Letter Message Window')

# End SDK Enabled Test

This script couldn't work with other message window script.


Q: The text doesn't show, how I make it appear?
A: Paste this above Main: Font.default_name = 'Tahoma'

Q: How I can use the name box?
A: With \Name[text], this is explained in the demo.

Author's Notes
Enjoy it, credit me and report any bug.

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