Cone of Vision + improved follow hero
Cone of Vision + improved "follow hero"
Version: 0.5
Jan 2 2007

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This script make an event follow if the hero is inside his cone of vision.

This cone has a sight (range) of 4. So if you are inside it, the event will follow you.
And this is a cone with an obstacle (the sand show what the event is seeing)

I think that I saw a script like this once, but I decided to write this one from scratch.


You can just paste this above main:

The code


To make an event use the cone to follow you, all you gotta do is set this in an "call script".

$[event id].add_cone(sight)

The default sight is 7, if you want to use this, just use "add_cone".
to make him stop, use

$[event id].stop_cone

You can activate a switch too, set the SWITCH constant in the top of the code to the switch ID that you want to be activated


Version 0.5


It just rewrite the "follow hero" function, so it'll probably be compatible with any script

Author's Notes

Please leave your opinion and any bug you find or suggestion you have. And don't forget the credits.

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