Input Wrapper Class
Input Wrapper Class for XNA

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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This is a simple implementation of an Input Wrapper for XNA (should work in 3.1 and 4). It uses methods to determine keys pushed and uses specific methods to call movement direction.
This class is my own and as such credit goes to me and you should leave comments intact if you are to use it.

Instructions for usage are in the script or demo.

Dead Megaupload Link(Requires VS2008 and XNA 3.1 minimum, built using full VS so PM me if you have express and it does not build and I will create a new version).

"Input.cs Version 1.0"
"Input.cs Verson 1.1(lightweight)"

To extend this
Create your own method for Confirmation input (Press Enter to confirm/contine)
*Advanced* Implement text typing by returning key being pressed and adding a string. (PM for more info if you wish)

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