Multi-Class! Version 3!
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Im bring some of my new scripts to this site, as I think this  place will be nicer. So...

KaiMonkeys MulitableClasses
Version 3
Now theres an addon to the Attribute System by 332211 to make it work with multiple classes! Check out this amazing script today!

  • Combine two classes


  • This can be used as a...
  • Multiple class sytem
  • Class and race sytem
  • Class and rank sytem
  • and hundrends of others!

  • Combines name, learnt skills, equipible armor and weapons

  • has option to increase space for class allowing bigger classes not to be crushed asmuch. If you want this, mark Extend_Class as true
Just copy paste above main, and to call it just use
combine_class(id_1, id_2, id_new)
id_1 = the Id of the class you want to combine
id_2 = the id of the second class you want to combine
id_new = where the new class will go!

so combine_class(1,2, 3)
would make class three become a cobination of class 1 and 2
you would then make the actor you want become class 3 useing the event command

add_class(actor_id, id_2, id_new)
actor_id = the id of the actor that has the class you want to combine with id_2
id_2 = the id of the class you want to combine the first one with
id_new =  where the new class will go

so  add_class(1, 2 , 3)
would make class three become the combination of class 2 and actor 1's class
remeber, you still need to change the actor to that class

combine_class3(id_1, id_2, id_3, id_new)
id_1 = the Id of the class you want to combine
id_2 = the id of the second class you want to combine
id_3 = the id of the third class you want to combine
id_new = where the new class will go!

so combine_class3(1,2, 3,4)
would make class four become a cobination of class 1,2 and 3
you would then make the actor you want become class 4 useing the event command

duplicate_class(id_1, id_new)
id_1 = the if of the class you want to copy
id_new = where the new class will go!

so duplicate_class(1,3)
would make class three become class 1
you would then make the actor you want become class 3  useing the event

To make a certain comnation, say "Elf Preist" become "Elf Druid" you need to look at the part at the top where it says Class_combo_names ={
under there the is a list of possable combantions then a "=>" sign, and then what they become. So if you configure it so it is
Class_combo_names ={
"Magician Paladin" => "Holy Mage",
"Paladin Priest" => "Cleric"
then any one who does Pladin priest will become a cleric, and any one who becomes a Magicain Paladin becomes a holy mage. Make sure there is always a commer after everyone exept the last, and that there is alwae a } at the end
Extend_Class = true # turn this on to extend the space the class has to fit!
Extend_Class = true # turn this on to extend the space the class has to fit!
Class_combo_names ={
"Magician Paladin" => "Holy Mage",
"Paladin Priest" => "Cleric"
def check_name(name, id_new)
 if Class_combo_names[] == nil
    p Class_combo_names[]
     $data_classes[id_new].name = Class_combo_names[]

def combine_class(id_1, id_2, id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].name = $data_classes[id_1].name + " " + $data_classes[id_2].name
 check_name($data_classes[id_new], id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].armor_set = $data_classes[id_1].armor_set + $data_classes[id_2].armor_set
 $data_classes[id_new].weapon_set = $data_classes[id_1].weapon_set + $data_classes[id_2].weapon_set
 $data_classes[id_new].learnings = $data_classes[id_1].learnings + $data_classes[id_2].learnings
 $data_classes[id_new].state_ranks = $data_classes[id_1].state_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].element_ranks  = $data_classes[id_1].element_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].skill_name = $data_classes[id_1].skill_name

def add_class(actor_id, id_2, id_new)
 id_1 = $game_actors[actor_id]
 $data_classes[id_new].name = $data_classes[id_1].name + " " + $data_classes[id_2].name
 check_name($data_classes[id_new], id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].armor_set = $data_classes[id_1].armor_set + $data_classes[id_2].armor_set
 $data_classes[id_new].weapon_set = $data_classes[id_1].weapon_set + $data_classes[id_2].weapon_set
 $data_classes[id_new].learnings = $data_classes[id_1].learnings + $data_classes[id_2].learnings
 $data_classes[id_new].state_ranks = $data_classes[id_1].state_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].element_ranks  = $data_classes[id_1].element_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].skill_name = $data_classes[id_1].skill_name

def combine_class3(id_1, id_2, id_3, id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].name = $data_classes[id_1].name + " " + $data_classes[id_2].name + " " + $data_classes[id_3].name
 check_name($data_classes[id_new], id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].armor_set = $data_classes[id_1].armor_set + $data_classes[id_2].armor_set+ $data_classes[id_3].armor_set
 $data_classes[id_new].weapon_set = $data_classes[id_1].weapon_set + $data_classes[id_2].weapon_set + $data_classes[id_3].weapon_set
 $data_classes[id_new].learnings = $data_classes[id_1].learnings + $data_classes[id_2].learnings+ $data_classes[id_3].learnings
 $data_classes[id_new].state_ranks = $data_classes[id_1].state_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].element_ranks  = $data_classes[id_1].element_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].skill_name = $data_classes[id_1].skill_name

def duplicate_class(id_1, id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].name = $data_classes[id_1].name
 check_name($data_classes[id_new], id_new)
 $data_classes[id_new].armor_set = $data_classes[id_1].armor_set
 $data_classes[id_new].weapon_set = $data_classes[id_1].weapon_set
 $data_classes[id_new].learnings = $data_classes[id_1].learnings
 $data_classes[id_new].state_ranks = $data_classes[id_1].state_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].element_ranks  = $data_classes[id_1].element_ranks
 $data_classes[id_new].skill_name = $data_classes[id_1].skill_name

class Window_Base < Window
 def draw_actor_class(actor, x, y)
    if Extend_Class == true
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 173, WLH,
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 108, WLH,

class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable
 def refresh
    if Extend_Class == true
      @item_max = $game_party.members.size
      for actor in $game_party.members
        draw_actor_face(actor, 2, actor.index * 96 + 2, 92)
        x = 104
        y = actor.index * 96 + WLH / 2
        draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
        draw_actor_class(actor, x + 75, y)
        draw_actor_level(actor, x, y + WLH * 1)
        draw_actor_state(actor, x, y + WLH * 2)
        draw_actor_hp(actor, x + 120, y + WLH * 1)
        draw_actor_mp(actor, x + 120, y + WLH * 2)
      @item_max = $game_party.members.size
      for actor in $game_party.members
        draw_actor_face(actor, 2, actor.index * 96 + 2, 92)
        x = 104
        y = actor.index * 96 + WLH / 2
        draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
        draw_actor_class(actor, x + 140, y)
        draw_actor_level(actor, x, y + WLH * 1)
        draw_actor_state(actor, x, y + WLH * 2)
        draw_actor_hp(actor, x + 120, y + WLH * 1)
        draw_actor_mp(actor, x + 120, y + WLH * 2)

Can I combine a class with a already combined class?

What about element ranks, state ranks and skill name?
they are taken from id_1

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