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 P's MessageBack Changer and Enhancer [Exclusive]
MessageBack Changer + Enhancer
Version: 1

This is a messageback changer and as well as an "enhancer". This script allows the developer to be able to change the messageback of his/her game at any time, set the initial settings and also customise the messageback's tone, blend, and other little niceties. You may also set the "common settings" as well as reset the changes to the initial settings.

  • Set initial settings: Messageback File, Tone, Blend, Mirror, Waves.
  • Change the look of the MessageBack with script calls.
  • Reset changes made to the MessageBack to the initial settings with a call.
  • Quickly change a multitude of settings in the MessageBack enhancer with "common settings" via a script call.

[Image: 2hyb4mf.png]
Changing MessageBack in-game.

[Image: 2r2ceow.png]
Changing Blend Type.

[Image: i57lw2.png]
Changing Blend Type back to normal and desaturating the MessageBack graphic

? MessageBack Changer + Enhancer                                               ?
? Version 1                                                                    ?
? by PK8                                                                       ?
? June 26th, 2009 / July 2nd, 2009                                             ?
?                                                             ?
? ? Table of Contents                                                          ?
? ?? Author's Notes                - Line 17?29                                ?
? ?? Introduction & Description    - Line 31?36                                ?
? ?? Features                      - Line 38?43                                ?
? ?? How to use (Script calls)     - Line 45?83                                ?
? ?? This aliases the following... - Line 85?89                                ?
? ?? Thanks                        - Line 91?94                                ?
? ? Author's Notes                                                             ?
? This began as a request that I had made in my own forum, asking for someone  ?
? to make some kind of a MessageBack changer tool simply so I could test       ?
? messagebacks I've made without resorting to forcing myself to change the     ?
? name of a messageback I wanted to try out to "MessageBack". DerVVulfman took ?
? this request and while we were chatting, I opened up RMVX and wanted to try  ?
? my hand at making my own MessageBack Changer script. We both had different   ?
? ways we went about making the messageback change in-game. Derv completed his,?
? I continued to work on my script until... I've caught the "scripting bug".   ?
? Ideas for customisation started entering my mind! So I decided to make a     ?
? messageback changer + enhancer... nice.                                      ?
?                                                                              ?
? I feel pretty bad for DerVVulfman though.                                    ?
? ? Introduction & Description                                                 ?
? This is a messageback changer and as well as an "enhancer". This script      ?
? allows the developer to be able to change the messageback of his/her game at ?
? any time, set the initial settings and also customise the messageback's tone,?
? blend, and other little niceties. You may also set the "common settings" as  ?
? well as reset the changes to the initial settings.                           ?
? ? Features                                                                   ?
? ? Set initial settings: Messageback File, Tone, Blend, Mirror, Waves.        ?
? ? Change the look of the MessageBack with script calls.                      ?
? ? Reset changes made to the MessageBack to the initial settings with a call. ?
? ? Quickly change a multitude of settings in the MessageBack enhancer with    ?
?   "common settings" via a script call.                                       ?
? ? How to use (Script calls)                                                  ?
? ??? To change the MessageBack graphic file, type:                            ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback = filename                                      ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? Where filename is the name of the file kept in the Graphics/System folder. ?
? ? Wrap the filename in single or double quotation marks.                     ?
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
? ??? To change the tone of the MessageBack, type:                             ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback_tone =, green, blue, grey)         ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? red: -255 to 255 | green: -255 to 255 | blue: -255 to 255 | grey: 0 to 255 ?
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
? ??? To change the blend type of the MessageBack, type:                       ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback_blend = blend                                   ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? blend: 0 = Normal, 1 = Add/Positive, 2 = Sub/Negative                      ?
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
? ??? To set whether the MessageBack graphic is flipped or not, type:          ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback_mirror = mirror                                 ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? mirror: true = flipped horizontally, false = normal                        ?
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
? ??? To set the wave effects...                                               ?
? ? Setting Wave Amplitude, type:                                              ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback_waveamp = value                                 ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? Setting Wave Length, type (don't set it to 0):                             ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback_wavelength = value                              ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? Setting Wave Speed, type:                                                  ?
? ?   $game_system.messageback_wavespeed = value                               ?
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
? ??? To adjust multiple messageback settings, type:                           ?
? ?    $game_system.messageback_common("id")                                   ?
? ?                                                                            ?
? ? id: Common settings identifier.                                            ?
? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
? ??? To reset your messageback settings, use this:                            ?
?       $game_system.messageback_reset                                         ?
? ? This aliases the following...                                              ?
? initialize          - Game_System                                            ?
? initialize          - Window_Message                                         ?
? create_back_sprite  - Window_Message                                         ?
? update              - Window_Message                                         ?
? ? Thanks                                                                     ?
? PK8 (Me):    For requesting it.                                              ?
? DerVVulfman:  For taking this request, and somehow made me feel like making  ?
?               my own... huh?                                                 ?

# ** MessageBack Customisation!
# Set the initial settings and common settings.
class PK8
  MessageBack_Common = {} # Don't touch this.
  # Initial MessageBack Graphic File.
  MessageBack = "MessageBack.png"
  # Initial MessageBack Graphic Tone. (Red, Green, Blue, Saturation)
  MessageBack_Tone = [0, 0, 0, 0]
  # Initial MessageBack Graphic Blend. (0: Normal, 1: Add, 2: Sub)
  MessageBack_Blend = 0
  # Initial MessageBack Graphic Mirror. Flipped (true) or not (false)?
  MessageBack_Mirror = false
  # Initial Wave Settings
  MessageBack_WaveAmp = 0
  MessageBack_WaveLength = 1   # Do not set this particular setting to 0.
  MessageBack_WaveSpeed = 0
  # Common MessageBack Changer settings. (See line 77 for info)
  # $game_system.messageback_common(id)
  # "file", [red, green, blue, grey], blend, mirror, [wavea, wavel, wavespeed]]
  MessageBack_Common["SampleA"] = [
  "MessageBack.png", [0, 255, 0, 0], 0, false, [0, 1, 0]]
  MessageBack_Common["SampleB"] = [
  "MessageBack.png", [255, 0, 0, 0], 0, false, [0, 1, 0]]
  MessageBack_Common["Wavy"] = [
  "MessageBack.png", [100, 100, 100, 100], 0, false, [100, 100, 10]]

# ** Game_System
# This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.
class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :messageback              # messageback
  attr_accessor :messageback_tone         # messageback tone
  attr_accessor :messageback_blend        # messageback blend type
  attr_accessor :messageback_mirror       # messageback mirror
  attr_accessor :messageback_waveamp      # messageback wave amp
  attr_accessor :messageback_wavelength   # messageback wave length
  attr_accessor :messageback_wavespeed    # messageback wave speed

  alias pk8_messageback_game_system_initialize :initialize
  # * Object Initialisation
  def initialize
    @messageback = PK8::MessageBack
    @messageback_tone =[0],
    @messageback_blend = PK8::MessageBack_Blend
    @messageback_mirror = PK8::MessageBack_Mirror
    @messageback_waveamp = PK8::MessageBack_WaveAmp
    @messageback_wavelength = PK8::MessageBack_WaveLength
    @messageback_wavespeed = PK8::MessageBack_WaveSpeed
  # * Resets MessageBack settings to initial settings.
  def messageback_reset
    @messageback = PK8::MessageBack
    @messageback_tone =[0],
    @messageback_blend = PK8::MessageBack_Blend
    @messageback_mirror = PK8::MessageBack_Mirror
    @messageback_waveamp = PK8::MessageBack_WaveAmp
    @messageback_wavelength = PK8::MessageBack_WaveLength
    @messageback_wavespeed = PK8::MessageBack_WaveSpeed
  # * This sets a multitude of MessageBack settings in one script call.
  def messageback_common(pk8_messageback_common)
    @messageback = PK8::MessageBack_Common[pk8_messageback_common][0]
    @messageback_tone =
    @messageback_blend = PK8::MessageBack_Common[pk8_messageback_common][2]
    @messageback_mirror = PK8::MessageBack_Common[pk8_messageback_common][3]
    @messageback_waveamp = PK8::MessageBack_Common[pk8_messageback_common][4][0]
    @messageback_wavelength = PK8::MessageBack_Common[pk8_messageback_common][4][1]

# ** Window_Message
#  This message window is used to display text.
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  alias pk8_messageback_create      :create_back_sprite
  alias pk8_messageback_initialize  :initialize
  alias pk8_messageback_update      :update
  # * Object Initialisation
  def initialize
    @pk8_messageback            = $game_system.messageback
    @pk8_messageback_tone       = $game_system.messageback_tone
    @pk8_messageback_blend      = $game_system.messageback_blend
    @pk8_messageback_mirror     = $game_system.messageback_mirror
    @pk8_messageback_waveamp    = $game_system.messageback_waveamp
    @pk8_messageback_wavelength = $game_system.messageback_wavelength
    @pk8_messageback_wavespeed  = $game_system.messageback_wavespeed
  # * Create Background Sprite
  def create_back_sprite
    # Hmm, this seems right. I was clearing the previously made bitmap so I
    # could make this script make the modified messageback. :P
    @back_sprite.bitmap       = Cache.system($game_system.messageback)
    @back_sprite.tone         = $game_system.messageback_tone
    @back_sprite.blend_type   = $game_system.messageback_blend
    @back_sprite.mirror       = $game_system.messageback_mirror
    @back_sprite.wave_amp     = $game_system.messageback_waveamp
    @back_sprite.wave_length  = $game_system.messageback_wavelength
    @back_sprite.wave_speed   = $game_system.messageback_wavespeed
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    if @pk8_messageback != $game_system.messageback
      @pk8_messageback = $game_system.messageback
      @back_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system($game_system.messageback)
    if @pk8_messageback_tone != $game_system.messageback_tone
      @pk8_messageback_tone = $game_system.messageback_tone
      @back_sprite.tone = $game_system.messageback_tone
    if @pk8_messageback_blend != $game_system.messageback_blend
      @pk8_messageback_blend = $game_system.messageback_blend
      @back_sprite.blend_type = $game_system.messageback_blend
    if @pk8_messageback_mirror != $game_system.messageback_mirror
      @pk8_messageback_mirror = $game_system.messageback_mirror
      @back_sprite.mirror = $game_system.messageback_mirror
    if @pk8_messageback_waveamp != $game_system.messageback_waveamp
      @pk8_messageback_waveamp = $game_system.messageback_waveamp
      @back_sprite.wave_amp = $game_system.messageback_waveamp
    if @pk8_messageback_wavelength != $game_system.messageback_wavelength
      @pk8_messageback_wavelength = $game_system.messageback_wavelength
      @back_sprite.wave_length = $game_system.messageback_wavelength
    if @pk8_messageback_wavespeed != $game_system.messageback_wavespeed
      @pk8_messageback_wavespeed = $game_system.messageback_wavespeed
      @back_sprite.wave_speed = $game_system.messageback_wavespeed

First, set up your initial settings (lines 106 - 117). Also set up the "common settings". You'll be able to change a multitude of MessageBack settings with a simple script call.

Why are my messagebacks appearing blank?
That, I don't know but it happens when you use this script. To fix that, you'll have to refer to the MessageBack graphic in your Graphics/System directory as "MessageBack.png"

How do I change the MessageBack graphic in-game?
$game_system.messageback = "filename"
"filename" being the file name of a graphic in the Graphics/System

How do I change the tone of the MessageBack in-game?
$game_system.messageback_tone =, green, blue, grey)
Red/Green/Blue: -255 to 255 | Grey: 0 to 255

How do I change the blend type of the MessageBack in-game?
$game_system.messageback_blend = value
0: Normal, 1: Add, 2: Sub

How do I flip/unflip the messageback graphic horizontally in-game?
$game_system.messageback_mirror = mirror
Set this to either true or false. (true = flipped horizontally, false = normal)

How do I set the wave amplitude of the messageback graphic in-game?
$game_system.messageback_waveamp = value

How do I set the wave frequency of the messageback graphic in-game?
$game_system.messageback_wavelength = value
Set this to anything but 0.

How do I set the wave speed of the messageback graphic in-game?
$game_system.messageback_wavespeed = value

What are "common settings"?
These are quick settings intended for developers to change a multitude of MessageBack settings in one call.

How do I make my own Common Settings?
Go to line 122 of the script and start setting up your own. Here's how.

How to set it up.

How do I call one of my Common Settings in-game?
Common Settings identifier.

How do I reset the MessageBack settings to the initial settings I've set in the script in-game?

This aliases the following:
Game_System initialize
Window_Message initialize
Window_Message create_back_sprite
Window_Message update

Credits and Thanks
Me for requesting it then deciding to do it.
DerVVulfman for taking this request and somehow making me feel like making my own while he was working on filling the request. o.o!

Author's Notes
This began as a request that I had made in my own forum, asking for someone to make some kind of a MessageBack changer tool simply so I could test messagebacks I've made without resorting to forcing myself to change the name of a messageback I wanted to try out to "MessageBack". DerVVulfman took this request and while we were chatting, I opened up RMVX and wanted to try my hand at making my own MessageBack Changer script. We both had different ways we went about making the messageback change in-game. Derv completed his, I continued to work on my script until... I've caught the "scripting bug". Ideas for customisation started entering my mind! So I decided to make a messageback changer + enhancer... nice.

I feel pretty bad for DerVVulfman though.

Terms and Conditions
This is exclusive to RMVXPUniverse.
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