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Weapon Levelling Script
Weapon Levelling Script v1.1
Created by: GoldenShadow
Jul 5 2005

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Special thanks: Cloud_Strife & SepirothSpawn511

NOTE «Where to put this scriptfile?»
Put 'em between all the other Game stuff in the editor left list.
Also load it like the other $game stuff in Scene_Title#command_new_game
Also save it.... load it blablabla

Hope you like it!

(This works great with dragonslayers AP System.)

#  <> Game_Weapons & Game_Weapon
#  ==> You can delete all the comments except the copyright and creator info. Thanks.
#  ==> Do not rip, repost or any other way of reproducing without proper credit. Thanks.
#  ShadowClan Technologies © 2003-2005 - All rights reserved. Creation Asylum rules :-)
# * You could choose anything to make, but you chose THIS! Why?!
# Because a friend of mine requested it and I found it a challenge.
# Actually, I wanted it to make earlier but I thought nah it's too hard for me...
# But a couple of days ago, I though what the hell, I'll take my chances!
# I began scripting and voil� , this is what it has become!
# It's actually better than some of those japanese scripts,
# so hahaha in your face, you smart japanese people!! (Respect though)
# If this script still misses something, please tell me and I will
# add it plus your name as a contributer of course. Thanks in advance.
# * Something to keep in mind
# This is a stand alone script and doesn't require anything else to be imported.
# I didn't make any windows or scenes with this so you're on your own!
# Why didn't I make it? I don't have the time right now -- I'm creating my game first!
# It just happen to be that I needed a script like this one... heh... cool..
# * Okay... but what does it do? What's the point?
# It allows the weapons to have their own status.
# So that it also gains EXP and levels up.
# You can set each weapon (unfortunely only by their IDs)
# to have each their own stuff like maximum level and etc.
# This makes it more variable and thus more fun to deal with!
# Wait... what you say? You want it to apply on armors too?
# All you do is copy this whole thing and replace everything
# that says 'weapon' to 'armor' and replace $data_weapons
# to $data_armors and atk to pdef or something...
# * How do I use this?
# In the Scene_Title at command_new_game, just add
# $game_weapons =
# underneath all the other $game stuff.
# From that point on you can use it.
# Don't forget to put it in Scene_Save and Scene_Load too!
# * You mean I have to set up for EVERY weapon status?!
# Actually, yes, but I'll teach you a very quick way of doing faster:
# Go to your events page in an event and search in Page 4 for
# the Call Script button and add this:
# $game_weapons =
# for id in 1...$data_weapons.size
#   $game_weapons[id].setup(id)
# end
# This sets for all weapons their own status.
# You can later modify a weapon just by using setup again
# but with your own initial status (see below).
# * I want a weapon with my own initial status! How do I do that?
# Type in Call Script of somewhere in a scene:
# $game_weapons[WeaponID].setup(ID, level, exp, break, broke, next_exp, expvar, max_level,
# break_add, max_break, atk_up)
# Quick Reference:
# ID              : Well, the weapon ID duh
# level           : The initial level for the weapon (Use only integers [numbers])
# exp            : Initially needed EXP to level it up (Default: 300)
# break          : % of break to the weapon (Default: 0)
# broke         : If it's initially broken true/false (Default: false)
# next_exp     : Needed EXP to level it up initially (Default: 300)
# expvar        : This calculates the EXP needed (expvar * level = next exp) (Default: 300)
# max_level   : Maximum level for that particular weapon (Default: 100)
# break_add  : Amount of pnts. added to break of that weapon (Default: 1)
# max_break  : Maximum break % for that particular weapon (Default: 100)
# atk_up        : Added attack power to weapon each level gained (optional) (Default: 1)
# * How do I check status?
# When defined $game_weapons, just use:
# $game_weapons[weapon_ID].*
# where the * can be:
# level - Returns the current weapon level
# exp - Returns the current weapon exp
# next_exp - Returns the current needed exp for next level
# break_amount - Returns the % of break
# level_up - Returns true if it's leveled up or false if it isn't. (optional)
# class - The rank of the weapon (optional)
# id - Returns the ID nothing special, you won't even use it...
# weapon_broke? - Returns true if weapon broke or false if not
# stored_atk - The original attack power of the weapon
# repair - To restore the break amount (see below).
# * What is the Break? (Optional)
# Break means just the crumbling of the weapon as you gain levels with it.
# The higher the break the less attack power it'll have.
# You can set up where the break starts and how many % the max. break is.
# If the weapon attack reaches 0, it's useless and breaks apart.
# The syntax for it is: (original weapon ATK / 100) * Break% = weapon ATK
# To restore it's attack power to the original and to restore
# the break% to initial state, you'd use: $game_weapons[weapon_id].repair
# - Make every weapon, no matter if IDs or names match, have own status!
# - Make 'em to have their own skills you can use
# - Perhaps you have suggestions??
# That would end the little explaining for now. I -really- hope you like this script.
# * Suggestions? ==> Post, PM or email me: (no spam plz)
# * Created by: GoldenShadow
# * Credits: Cloud_Strife_1989 (Power Up idea, thanks man)
# * Note: If you use this, please state that you used my script in case ppl think I copied you!
module SC # Please leave this untouched, thanks.
  RXSC_WPNS = "Weapons Script: Ver. 1.1"

# ■ Game_Weapons
#     This is what you use when checking stuff
class Game_Weapons
  # ● This is the array for the weapon data
  attr_accessor :data            # Stored weapon data
  # ● Initiating the store array and others just in case!
  def initialize
    $data_weapons = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors   = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata") # In case you'd use this
    @data = []
  # ● Don't bug this, or else you won't use $game_weappns[]
  def [](weapon_id)
    if weapon_id > $data_weapons.size
      if @data[weapon_id] == nil
        @data[weapon_id] =
      return @data[weapon_id]

# ■ Game_Weapon
#     This is where the data is set up for the weapon
class Game_Weapon
  # ● Something for the optionals
  USE_BREAK = false # Set to true if you want to use the breaks
  BREAK_SOUND_ENABLE = false # Hear a sound when broken?
  BREAK_SOUND = "Audio/SE/093-Attack05" # The broken sound
  USE_POWER_UP = false # True if you want your weapon power up each level
  REPAIR_ON_LVLUP = false # If weapons repairs auto on level up
  # ● Essential attributes
  attr_accessor :weapon_id                    # Weapon ID
  attr_accessor :weapon_level                # Weapon level
  attr_accessor :weapon_exp                  # Weapon exp
  attr_accessor :weapon_break_amount  # Weapon break
  attr_accessor :weapon_broke              # true/false if weapon broke
  attr_accessor :weapon_class                # Weapon ranking
  attr_accessor :weapon_next_exp          # Weapon next EXP
  attr_accessor :weapon_level_up           # Weapon level up? (true/false)
  # ● Initialize, which sets up data of the weapon through the ID
  def initialize(weapon_id, level = 1, exp = 300, break_amount = 0,
    broke = false, next_exp = 300, expvar = 300, max_level = 100,
    break_add = 1, max_break = 100, atk_up = 1)
    # Setup the weapon with the specified parameters and data
    setup(weapon_id, level, exp, break_amount, broke, next_exp, expvar, max_level,
    break_add, max_break, atk_up)
  # ● Setup for weapon as initial status
  #     Complete reference on the stuff like weapon_id, level, exp etc.
  #     Is located in the beginning of this script at topic:
  #     "I want a weapon with my own initial status! How do I do that?"
  def setup(weapon_id, level, exp, break_amount,  broke, next_exp, expvar, max_level,
    break_add, max_break, atk_up)
    @weapon_id = weapon_id
    @weapon_level = level # Initial level for the weapon
    @weapon_exp = exp # Initial EXP for the weapon
    @weapon_break_amount = break_amount # Initial % break for the weapon
    @weapon_broke = broke # If the weapon is broken intially
    @weapon_next_exp = next_exp # Initial needed EXP for the weapon
    @weapon_exp_var = expvar # The EXP is calculated through this * level = needed exp
    @weapon_max_level = max_level # Maximum level that can be achieved
    @weapon_break_add = break_add # This is the number added to break each level!
    @weapon_max_break = max_break # Maximum amount of break
    @weapon_level_up = false # You cant level it up in the begin right?
    @weapon_attack = $data_weapons[weapon_id].atk # Store original attack (atk)
    @weapon_initial_break = 0 # This is the initial %. Must be changed here!
    @weapon_atk_up = atk_up # Amount of attack power added to weapon at level up
    reform_class # Sets up the class, but you can also use @weapon_class = "Class"
  # ● ID to return of weapon when asked
  def id
    return @weapon_id
  # ● Level of weapon (Min. 1, Max. 100)
  def level
    amount = [[@weapon_max_level, 1].min, @weapon_level].max
    return amount
  # ● Return total gained EXP
  def exp
    return @weapon_exp
  # ● Return EXP needed for next level
  def next_exp
    return @weapon_next_exp
  # ● Returns percetage of the break of weapon
  #    Break amount is just how broken the sword is like reality
  def break_amount
    amount = [[@weapon_max_break, 0].max, @weapon_initial_break].min
    return amount
  # ● Returns true or false if weapon is broken
  def weapon_broke?
    return @weapon_broke
  # ● Repairing the weapon so that Break% is initial and attack is restored
  def repair
    @weapon_break_amount = @weapon_initial_break # Return it to initial %
    $data_weapons[@weapon_id].atk = @weapon_attack # Return original atk
  # ● Gaining EXP (Use this like in battle or something)
  #       n : a number that will be added to EXP but
  #            removed from next EXP
  #    This number may be a negetive (example: -22)
  #    That would only remove it from EXP and also from Next EXP.
  def gain_exp(n)
     if n.is_a?(Integer)
        @weapon_level_up = false
        @weapon_exp += n
        @weapon_next_exp -= n
        if USE_BREAK == true
          @weapon_break_amount += @weapon_break_add # Amount added to break
    if @weapon_next_exp <= 0
      @weapon_level += 1 # Amount of level added
      @weapon_level_up = true # Set to true when level up
      if REPAIR_ON_LVLUP == true
      if USE_POWER_UP == true
        @weapon_attack += @weapon_atk_up
        $data_weapons[@weapon_id].atk += @weapon_atk_up
      @weapon_next_exp = @weapon_exp_var * @weapon_level
  # ● Reforms the class when a level is gained to determine
  #    the new ranking for the weapon, add or modify as pleased
  def reform_class
    if @weapon_level >= 0 and @weapon_level < 5
      @weapon_class = "Dull"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 5 and @weapon_level < 15
      @weapon_class = "Practice Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 15 and @weapon_level < 25
      @weapon_class = "Fence Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 25 and @weapon_level < 35
      @weapon_class = "Excellent Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 35 and @weapon_level < 45
      @weapon_class = "Veteran Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 45 and @weapon_level < 55
      @weapon_class = "Elite Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 55 and @weapon_level < 65
      @weapon_class = "High-Risk Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 65 and @weapon_level < 75
      @weapon_class = "Renegade"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 75 and @weapon_level < 85
      @weapon_class = "Masterful Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level >= 85 and @weapon_level < 95
      @weapon_class = "Supreme Weapon"
    elsif @weapon_level > 95
      @weapon_class = "Ultima Weapon"
      @weapon_class = "???"
    return @weapon_class
  # ● Make the weapon weaker
  def weapon_break
    @amount = $data_weapons[@weapon_id].atk / @weapon_max_break
    $data_weapons[@weapon_id].atk -= (@amount * @weapon_break_amount)
    if $data_weapons[@weapon_id].atk <= 0
      if BREAK_SOUND_ENABLE == true
        Audio.se_play(BREAK_SOUND, 100, 100)
      return @weapon_broke = true
  # ● This returns the original attack base of the weapon
  def stored_attack
    return @weapon_attack
  # ● This would manually change the ATK UP each level if enabled
  def atk_up=(up)
    if up.is_a?(Numeric)
      @weapon_atk_up = up
# FINAL UPDATE: October 11th 2005 @ 6:07 PM (SID06) [Don't modify this]

If you got errors about either the demo or the script, please post it, thanks.


.rar   WPN_LVL_DEMO_V1.1.rar (Size: 203.44 KB / Downloads: 2)

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