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- Script Writing and Usage: A canine perspective (0 Replies)
- A Layman's Thoughs on Game Music (2 Replies)
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- Proper Script Placement and Usage for RGSS 1 through 3 (1 Reply)
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- The Lesser Known Main Characters (0 Replies)
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- Magic School Lessons - ShadowTech's Dark Panthenon (1 Reply)
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- A Guide to Properly Testing an RPG Game (0 Replies)
- Curses! (1 Reply)
- The Development of Towns in D&D (0 Replies)
- The Basics of Puzzle Design (0 Replies)
- Norse Mythology (Parts 1 & 2) (4 Replies)
- Colour Symbolism (0 Replies)
- Basic knowledge on using Javascript ES5 access modifiers and inheritance (1 Reply)
- Parallax Mapping Ideas and Tutorials (1 Reply)