
Full Version: It Ain't Easy Bein' Da Mess Cleana' of One's Neighborhood
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[Image: takinouthtetrash.png]
I's gots to be taken out da trash 'round here. Don't crack-wise egghead. 'Ey you think ya funny?
Ahahahaha the kamina shades fuckin' got me!

Hope to see more of your art work in the future!
Hahaha thank you thank you, I appreciate that B) There will for sho be mo, stay tuned
[Image: it-Menaces.png]
Day and night it does menace.
[Image: cake.gif]
A lovely MS paint doodle I did during a conversation with my good friend yesterday.

You get no context.

Contextless Chaos is truly the best kind.
True dat. True dat. B)