
Full Version: KBattlerEats VX + ACE
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KBattlerEats VX + ACE

by Kyonides


Your extreme delivery service for Maker battles!
Warning! Service Fees may apply!

Place an order and just wait for a few turns and you'll find your items being delivered straight into your party's bag.

You will not be able to place an additional order until the previous one has already arrived.

The delivery service will reimburse your money if the battle ends abruptly.

There are a couple of Constants you will need to setup first to suit your gaming needs.

Script Calls

Set Fee Percent, Maximum No. Deliveries & Turns
KBattlerEats.set_menu(Fee %, DeliveriesMAX, Turns)

Set the Items List
KBattlerEats.set_list(ItemID1, etc.)


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Q: Can I disable the guard or the delivery option?
A: Yes, you can. Just turn the corresponding switch off and you're done. Turn it on to enable it once again.

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in non commercial games.
Contact me if you wanna go commercial.
Due credit is mandatory!
That's it! Laughing + Tongue sticking out