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Save-Point - Uzi’s Drugged Adventures: Undead Memories


Full Version: Uzi’s Drugged Adventures: Undead Memories
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This is a locked, single-post thread from RPG Maker Central / RPG Maker VXAce.  Archived here to prevent its loss.
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[Image: cpkGMji.png]
[Image: 0TMbtqS.png]
The next installment of Uzi’s Drugged Adventures is here, and it’s filled to the peak with brand new features that make the game even more addicting.
  • Two new stats: LUST and HIGH
  • Over 70 different types of ammunition
  • A brand new Uzi sprite with removable clothes
  • Chest content is random, making the game extremely repayable.

Summary: Uzi is a crazy little fixer that is addicted to pretty much every drug she can get her hands on. But how did she get this way? Nobody knows. The truth lies deep with in her mind. Even though she doesn’t care to know the truth, the truth wants to be heard. After getting high, Uzi falls into one of her delusional states. But this time her mind has plans for her. It wants her to remember that which she has forgotten.

Delusion Summary: Uzi is accidentally summoned by strange man. With no use for her, he decides to send her on a quest to capture the Princess of Shiriville.

Gameplay: This game is like a classic Zelda shooter. Enemies won’t attack you unless they see you, and different enemies have different ranges of view. Some enemies you’ll want to kill before they see you, while others you will want to avoid all together. There is a LOT to do with 35 quests, 20 achievements, and 3 mini-games.
+17: Alcohol Reference, Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Drug Reference, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Sexual Violence, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol, Use of Drugs, Violence.

This game does not promote the use of drugs, alcohol,
or anything else horrible you can think of.
Playtime: 4-5 hours. 2 hours for the main story and 2-3 hours for everything else.

Character Bio:
[Image: ABmiNes.png]
Name: Uzi
Personality: Insane; Crazy; Silly
Human Type: Fixer
Main Weapon: Duel Uzis
About: Uzi is an insane druggy that is addicted to anything that she can get her hands on. It’s shocking that she’s not dead yet from overdosing. Rika normally pranks her or uses her as target practice. The bullets don’t kill her because she accidentally equipped herself with REN. She thought it was a drug.

Known Issues: There are no known issues. If you run into any problems please let me know so I can fix them.

RTP Download:
The Run Time Package Links - 105 MB
Game Download:
Mediafire: Version 1.02 (Requires the separate RTP files above

Mediafire: Version 1.02 Full (298 MB) that doesn't require the RTP

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