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Save-Point - The ESP Test


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Volke Locke

The ESP Test

Abstract: A call resounds around our world for those with a certain rare talent... Now you have a chance to find out if you have the talent to meet that call and have a chance to briefly meet one of the world's most influential persons... maybe?

Genre: You could call it experimental in multiple senses of the word.

Average Game Time: 1-5 minutes per round depending on options chosen

Story / Setting / Purpose:
The setting is this world today. The player plays as himself or herself as themselves in our world. They play themselves playing this game for this game is real in some sense of the word. Perhaps a virtual pseudo-reality. The rules of the game are simple. There are five Zener cards. You must select the one that coincides with what my software decides twenty four times consecutively to win.

How to play?
Statistically, you will get an average of 4.8 correct guesses per round, so this is a very difficult game. You have infinite tries. The first person to win this game is eligible to win a prize, yes, a real physical prize. Honestly, the chances of winning are extremely small. You don't have to accept the prize or even tell us that you beat the game if you don't want to. The information regarding claiming the prize is only available to those who beat the game. There is no such thing as cheating in this game.
Mostly, I think it would be fun to try to beat your own score and to beat other people's scores. See who can get the closest to winning. Actually, if you give us a screen shot of your score, we would be willing to host the top score.

Character Bios:
Yourself - there are no other character to interact with except one.
Mystery Character - his/her/it's name and identity will be revealed only if you beat the game.After your score has been saved for the winning round, you may reload the save file and enter a four digit PIN where this Mystery Character will speak to you revealing the purpose and true point to the game.

* Images unavailable*

Volke Locke
Falcao (for use of his Mouse Interface System)
The Orpheus Institute for Paranormal Research

A Mouse Interface System
A Grand Prize to the First Winner
A Mystery to be Unraveled, maybe?
There is also a secret menu that opens up a small music player, but you do have to find it and it isn't noteworthy.
Anyone who sends me proof of completing game can get a certifacate of completion, if they want one.


Known Issues:

No known issues. Please contact me if something comes up.