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Save-Point - Esper Wing Chronicle FULL GAME


Full Version: Esper Wing Chronicle FULL GAME
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This is a locked, single-post thread from RPG Maker Central / RPG Maker VXAce.  Archived here to prevent its loss.
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[Image: EsperWingChronicle.png]
Ok, it seems that God isn't too happy. 16 years ago one of his angels and a devil from the underworld got together and had a child by accident. Whoops. This child was born with angel and devil powers, becoming dubbed the Demi-Child. The angel and demon in question unable to fend off the multitude of angels went and gave their powers to two individuals that would soon be the Demi-Child's guardians before sealing themselves deep inside a volcano (Yes, a volcano is a weird place, just roll with it~).

Oh, and Satan doesn't give a single crap about the Demi-Child, which is strange because the Demi-Child could become a stupidly powerful ally...

Anyway, our tale begins with the Demi-Child accompanied by a rather eccentric companion...


Cain Abel
[Image: 1Cain.png]
The Demi-Child, unaware of his great potential was a lowly street rat thief before meeting his eccentric companion a month before our tale. At 15 years old he still has that child innocence and is always happy go lucky. As well as naive he always means well and is quick to catch onto new things. He is good with twin daggers and is exceptionally fast and damn lucky!

Breeze Pueblo
[Image: 1Breeze.png]
Cain's eccentric and somewhat overbearing companion. She was a spirit hunter for 4 years before meeting Cain and has been with him ever since. Fighting off angels and teaching him about the world (while mocking PRG mechanics at the same time). Despite her ditzy and genki facade she is actually pretty damn smart, living in the middle of nowhere with a lab she made herself. She has a preference for guns.

[Image: 1Yi-Qo.png]
Is an arch-angel of God. After the years of angels going to attempt to kill the Demi-Child, God finally decides to send down one of his arch-angels to do the job. Yi-Qo is loyal to God and is always willing to follow him. She speaks with a very regal tone and doesn't have much patience for tom foolery, a worker's attitude. Though before she is sent down she is confused as her sister became a fallen angel not too long ago and wants to look into that. To the surface!

What? You thought I was going to spoil the other 3 main character? Psssh, yeah right! Though so far this is ONLY A DEMO, so don't expect all of the to be available. Oh, and if you don't utilize each character's skills in battle, "you're gonna have a bad time." Also, grinding is encouraged for this game!~

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Victor Sant
Mr Bubble