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Save-Point - The Guardian [Full Game]


Full Version: The Guardian [Full Game]
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This is a locked, single-post thread from RPG Maker Central / RPG Maker VXAce.  Archived here to prevent its loss.
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[Image: webtitle.png]
Travellers from Guna found this new continent hundreds of years ago.
It was strange, in the middle of the this new continent stood a grand palace seemingly built in ancient times.
In one of the rooms stood a statue, scripts on the walls talked of a guardian. They named it "the Guardian statue".
Resources in this new land were plentiful, they decided to stay.

Then one day, four beasts, thought only to be a legend awakens. Rulers of thier own castles
they must be destroyed to bring back peace to the continent.

The Guardian awakens.
[Image: webtitle_info.png]
Take on the role as the Guardian in this exploration driven rpg that should take just over 2 hours to complete

Download Here.  RTP not included

[Image: webtitle_characters.png]
The Guardian

The guardians purpose is to protect the people of the continent.
In times of crisis the Guardian awakes to fulfill his duties.

He finds the King and his people has fled into a room somehow protected by the palace.
You must cleanse the continent from evil and once again restore peace.

The King

The King now lives in the palace found by the travellers.
He will do anything to keep his people safe.


The Kings right hand, able to use magic.

[Image: webtitle_screens.png]

[Image: screen2.png]

[Image: screen6.png]

[Image: screen3.png]

World map
[Image: wm.png]
[Image: screen5.png]

[Image: webtitle_items.png]
The Guardian is often about finding the right item and using it in the right place.
Here is a preview of a few items and an example of how they can be used:
[Image: webitems.png]
From the left:
Flame: Burn down bushes or trees to reach new areas
Pickaxe Find hidden dungeons in the mountains or break a fragile wall
Lantern: Enables you to visit dark areas
Dash boots: Enables you to dash holding "shift"

[Image: webtitle_credits.png]

The Guardian uses some downloaded scripts and I want to credit and thank the following:
Woratana- Screen lock script
Yanfly Engine Ace - Stop All Movement v1.00
Tsukihime - Picture wrapper