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KEventual VX + ACE

by Kyonides


This scriptlet of mine allows you to copy local or external events to the current map. It is quite easy to use.
By the way, you can also delete them or restore them at will! Shocked

And the best thing of all is that your new set of events will be right there waiting for you next them you enter that map! Grinning Without call the same setup event over and over again! Two Thumbs Up!

Script Calls

Note: You can use @event_x or @event_y for the current event's XY coordinates.

Add a copy of an Event present on the Current Map:
copy_event(OtherMapID, EventID, NewEventID, NewX, NewY)

Add a copy of an Event available on a Different Map:
add_event(OtherMapID, EventID, NewEventID, NewX, NewY)

Delete any Event present on the Current Map:

Restore any Event that was once present on the Current Map:

Secondary Features

Just some innocent error messages, that's all! Tongue sticking out


Terms & Conditions

Free for use in ANY Gamer game.
Due credit is mandatory. Serious 
Mention this forum in your game credits.
That's it! Tongue sticking out