
Full Version: The Steal and Peep Script
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(02-18-2025, 02:46 PM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]This usually happens to Wulfo because he forgets to remove some testing calls like p or print plus some string or a custom array. So just try finding those methods in the peep! peep! script and remove them.

Ohh. I looked through the two sections just now and unfortunately couldn't find a print command. Sad

I downgraded to version 1.1 for now so I can work on other parts of my project.
Oh, that was in the Steal Gear section, supplying to me the IDs of the armor worn by a target character.

I just yanked it out now.

And obviously, that hero was wearing Shield 4, Helmet 30, Body Armor 31 and Accessory 54 Laughing
Hooray! It works now. Grinning Thank you very much, DerVVulfman!
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