
Full Version: Universal Message System (Edit of SE character System)
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This is an absolutely amazing script. I'm currently working on cloning the shining force engine, and this allows me to almost perfectly clone the message system. :D

I do have a request, if anyone script savvy could help. Having installed the script, I've noticed that the sound-upon-type plays for every character that is entered. I was looking at the script, and I know that I want to exclude spaces from the sound, but have no idea how to translate that into code.

while @ignore
        c = @text.slice!(/./m)
        if c != nil
      if @pause_time > 0
        @pause_time -= 1
      if Graphics.frame_count - @count >= speed
        if $game_system.sound_effect != ""
      ****** if c != " " ******
          Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + $game_system.sound_effect, 50, 100)
        @count = Graphics.frame_count
        c = @text.slice!(/./m)
        if c != nil

The asterisked line is my feeble attempt to acquire what i wanted, but i don't understand ruby script at all, despite numerous attempts to grasp it. Any help would be appreciated.