10-24-2010, 05:24 AM
Simple script to remove the the party command window from the top of the screen. Obviously, you lose the ability to escape battles if you don't script them in somewhere else. So far, this script has worked with every battle system I've tried it with. Please ensure that this script comes before any CBS you choose to install in your game, and you should have no errors, however, if there are errors, let me know in this thread. ( please ensure the errors are being caused in relation to this script )
Xenres' Escape Bar Removal Script
Last Edit: 2010-08-02
This script removes the Attack/Escape bar. It does nothing else, nothing
more. I made this script to go with a CBS that I am currently working on.
Unlike Laura's Escape Bar Removal Script, this one also makes it so that
escaping battles is impossible without further modification of the battle
system. This is by design. If you don't like it, don't use it.
class Scene_Battle
# change the values of
# - @party_command_window.active
# - @party_command_window.visible
alias disable_escape_bar start_phase2
def start_phase2
@party_command_window.active = false
@party_command_window.visible = false
# replace update_phase2
def update_phase2