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Save-Point - guilty gear izuka title screen


Full Version: guilty gear izuka title screen
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well...actually im using an custom script for the title screen of my game, but i was wondering if someone can make it looks like the guilty gear izuka main menu....u.u please!!! Cry
Please more information. Does it animate? How does the screen look? Etc. Screenshots and more can help.
sorry xd, my network was very slow like for uploading screens, but here is ^^:
well, the bars rotate from left to right or right to left....well, u know.
and, the red laser rotates clockwise y. .. all the gears revolve around him also, but in diferent way...
if more screens are needed, tell me n.n
hi blackheart ,

i don't think it s hard.
personally i would use a skip title screen script and make the title with events.
of course you'll have to create as many pict (640 x 480) as you want options,
normally 3 for new game, continue, quit.

here is a mini demo i've made for you quickly so you understand how to do it.
But you're gona have to make better pictures for your title screen :p
WOW!!!! thank you so much!!! (kiss)
i love you!!