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Save-Point - Request for an Edit


Full Version: Request for an Edit
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(Rather then bumping the topic, I know there's a rule for necroing topics..)
If anyone familiar with this script
Individual Turns
I'm using this script and there's an add on script I want to edit, which is referred as "Turns View Addon"
I want this script to show individual actors but as for enemies, I want it to show just one, two or three picture. (one for normal spawn, second for boss and third for special encounter?), I can't afford to use individual mug shot for every enemy as there are eighty-two enemies in my battler folder and I know most people do not want to download a game with a lot of megs in it considered its a waste of space, so can someone please help me in that department?

I'm not familiar with the script but I think it shouldn't be too much of a problem making that edit.
The problem is, how should the program tell which enemy is normal spawn, boss or special encounter? Would using three arrays of enemy IDs be okay for you?
Maybe 4 or 5.. make it 5, and yes, that will be okay for me.
Thanks for replying Charlie

class Sprite_TurnPicture < RPG::Sprite
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(battler, viewport)
    # Call Sprite
    # Set Instance Variable
    @battler = battler
    @battler_name, @battler_hue = battler.battler_name, battler.battler_hue
    # Set Bitmap
    if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      for k in SPECIAL_TURNS.keys
        if SPECIAL_TURNS[k].include?(
          self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.turn(k, @battler_hue)
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.turn(@battler_name, @battler_hue) unless found
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.turn(@battler_name, @battler_hue)
    # Set Visibility
    self.visible = visible && @battler.exist?
    # Set X
    self.x = 480
  # * Set Visibility
  def visible=(visible)
    super(visible && @battler.exist?)
  # * Update
  def update
    # If Battler or hue changed
    if (@battler_name != @battler.battler_name ||
        @battler_hue != @battler.battler_hue)
      # Setup Battler Name and hue
      @battler_name, @battler_hue = battler.battler_name, battler.battler_hue
      # Set Bitmap
      if @battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
        for k in SPECIAL_TURNS.keys
          if SPECIAL_TURNS[k].include?(
            self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.turn(k, @battler_hue)
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.turn(@battler_name, @battler_hue) unless found
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.turn(@battler_name, @battler_hue)

Here. You can define as many categories as you want by editing the SPECIAL_TURNS hash, and putting in it the IDs that belong to those categories.
When it's the actor's turn, when it shows the "Attack Skill Defend Item" (I believe the action_window is called.. I dunno), when I press the cancel key (c or x I think) it skips the turn, is there a way to disable that? >.<;

Sorry and thanks.
bump, still need help with this
bump >.< (sorry)
Since Trickster is around you could ask that directly to him here
You request does not seem related to the add-on anymore, but to the original script.
Remove in the script these lines from method update_phase3_basic_command

Should be around line 175

# If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Go to command input for previous actor

You are lucky I just happened to look at this topic and even luckier that I replied haha.

EVERYBODY GETS ONE! (If I feel like it...)
Ah thanks alot Trickster, I thought you weren't active here and if I were to post on that topic, I'd get verbal warn ?_?