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Here we go!
I have a thread like this in most every forum I go to, and often update with things I think are good, and silly crap that I have lying about because I dislike updating these threads with less than 3 or 5 things. But, luckily for you, you'll only get the good stuff from the previous threads - MWA HA HA.

Let's start with what got me started, shall we?
[Image: quartermanevolution.png]
This was the "quarterman" template I started (side and back views not present), which I haven't worked on since... umm... March 14th 2009 MWA HA HA. I started... umm... September 14th 2007. I actually wasn't working on it for nearly 2 years, it's sat and collected dust for the majority of that time. But it was the first sprite/pixeling I ever attempted, and I like to show off the growth :3

Faris Adventure Stuff (for my Faris Adventure project):
[Image: stonehead.png]
[Image: farisdryad.png]
[Image: dryads.png]
[Image: yetithingwhatever.png]
[Image: ghosts.png]
[Image: mummy_inworks-3.png]
[Image: Kuribo.png]
[Image: elven_knight.png]
[Image: dark_knights.png]
[Image: spookelfeater.png]
[Image: gigas.png]
[Image: mook_medicprinceking_mooks.png]
[Image: cyclopes.png]
[Image: harpy-1.png]
[Image: innocent_doll-1.png]
This last one is an homage enemy of sorts to Professor Yoshi's pink haired girl character.

The Lodite
[Image: theloditereturns-2.png]
This is a Lodite, which started out as a work of fan-art for the Master of the Wind game, by Volrath & Artbane. I'm having trouble spriting the other pieces of the work, so for now this is all you've got - MWA HA HA.
an in-works showing the steps
the original MSpaint sketch

The Day Dream (with steps)
[Image: thedaydream.png][Image: thedaydream2.png][Image: thedaydream3.png]

A Masterpiece World
[Image: masterpiece.png]

Zombie Lush
[Image: titlethingiepossabily.png]
Originally for a project, but meh...

From an aborted detective/mystery project
[Image: randalwalk.png]
[Image: detecgang.png]

From yet ANOTHER aborted project (Non-game this time)
[Image: inheart_lineart.png][Image: inheartduolineart2.png]
[Image: inheartduocolored.png]
Was spriting two characters from a comic I was working on at one time

Cruxhound Stuff
[Image: Aaron_Yhudit2.png][Image: holland-1.png][Image: daires.png]
These were inspired by the graphical style of a few games, and I wanted to practice more. So I thought I would try doing some of the costumes from characters in this project of mine, in that style.

Old Animation Practice
[Image: slight2.gif][Image: slight3.gif][Image: gym.gif][Image: tycoonwip.gif]

A bored day made me do these
[Image: examples2.png][Image: examples3.png]
Includes various characters from RM games from MotW (again), Ethereal Dreams, and other characters such as Batman and Cheetara from other media.

Spriting Practice/Misc. Pixelworks (most of these will be done in backwards order - getting older and older as we go along):
[Image: thebrit.png][Image: boxermockup.png][Image: guy.png][Image: beachgoer.png][Image: aface.png][Image: mrmilo.png][Image: faces-1.png][Image: hugsccoathanks.png][Image: bighead.png][Image: lubfrog.png][Image: cupoportraitaction.png][Image: stickieman.png][Image: questionmarksm.png][Image: selfportrait.png][Image: boo.png][Image: stark_PC.png]

Wow, okay that's enough for now, I'll give you guys a break. HUGE image dump huh? Haha. Wait till update with my sketches (which there aren't as much of, but they ARE bigger MWA HA HA.
the thing about art is... some ppl use it as a way to pass off their own individuality as "art" when its really "NOT!!!!!"
Umm... I have no idea what that meant, sorry.
Or rather, I don't get what the intent was here.
Thanks :3

There's three bases I'm using now for 3 projects, but none of them mesh with the RTP or the usual substitutes. They were all made for a visual niche, so unless one was going to sprite their tilesets and even animations, neither of those three are worth the note lol.

I have made several attempts that would match the RTP styles of either RMXP or VX, but nothing ever came of them.
How the heck do you shade so well? The shading on my little characters look good to me, but they could be better.
How the heck do I shade so well? Hmm... Accidentally?
Messed up thing is, I can't do shading and coloring in traditional mediums too well. My crayon never stays inside the lines - BAD CRAYON! Stay inside the lines! That's your home, and your allotted territory! Do NOT cross the street, do NOT cross the streams and do NOT cross the damn lines!!! >:U

I really don't think I shade that good, though I prefer my more cartoony stuff better (the female in is something I would say I shaded well). If anything, it's probably because I never 'learned to sprite' via consensus.

A lot of, seriously look at 'em and compare, pixel guides and 'tutorials' will tell you things that straight up traditional drawing or painting tutorials would never tell you, and they contradict each other. I just treat it the same as if I was drawing with a pen - save for the small stuff, then I sort of have to use things like the avoidance of pillow shading, and outlines (shudder). If you couldn't tell, I don't like outlines unless it's cartoony XD
I suck at any kind of art so.... Traditional, pixel, whatever it always comes out like crap. But you do make great stuff. I really like the mummy the best.
Yeah, everyone likes the Mummy.
Fun fact - it wasn't meant to be a mummy at all, but I screwed up the line art after doing a base shape, and just went crazy and *POOF* mummy XD

I felt like retouching some old sprite stuff after I couldn't get this Christmas stuff to look like - figured, hell I want to use MSPaint, just not do this project, so I'll fix what's been bothering me. These you'll recognize from the first post, but they're months and months old.

[Image: detective_randal_redo.png][Image: detective_randal_NPC_redo.png]
Old one is the taller one on top, redone more lego-man sized new one is on the bottom obviously. I'm going to eventually touch up the right facing sides so the shadows match, and for Detective Randal (the one with hair) redo the part on the right facing side so that, again, it matches up.

Meh, I'm not really sure I like the smaller look or not, but I imagine they'd be easier to work with - so... yeah.
OH MY GODABLE! That's a zomg teh comix mazafuckin' really awesome, damn!
I like it. Homedude's mustache doesn't lookquite right in the right facing big though
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