
Full Version: A good map name show
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Well loooking a nice map name show, i decided to make my own one, its full customizable and has a nice effect :P
This is the first script posted here ^^

On the script
- to see the effect just teleport to another map(when you transfer the player the man name will work
- if you want to hide the name of some maps just add their ids to the variable DONT_SHOW_MAPS
(more instructions in the demo)

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Are you serious? This don't need a demo...

SHOUD work with anything, just allieases three methods in scene_map

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For non-comercial games only.
Giving credit it's not a must but its a nice act from your part ^^

See ya!
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm afraid I don't understand what this script does. Based on the name of the script and the coding, I can only assume it shows the name of the map. Anyway, a screenshot would be nice if it's possible. I think the problem is coming from your description, it's a little confusing.
Anyway, thanks for posting this! Laughing
I think it might be an animated(?) pop up box with the name for the maps? Its what it sounds like to me. A screen will need to be posted, or maybe just a small demo (so we can see the full effects if it is animated) to confirm unless someone wants to randomly plug it in and try.

- Jophie
Added screenshots(for lazy people than don't want to paste a little script in materials section...)
Ok its all, maybe just give it a try and look all the effect
We're not lazy. It was just impossible to determine what this script REALLY was without a screen. But now that I look at it, could be nice. And by the way, I don't have VX, so there was really no way to test it otherwise... Sarcasm + Confused

- Jophie
Ok ok :P, about the lazy ones it was just a joke, don't take all my words with all of its meaning ok?
Just have a bit of 'side thinking'. Well, maybe y can do an XP verison too...
Okay okay. But still, an XP version would be awesome, because I'd love to see the effects first hand. Couldn't use them in my game-in-planning though, because I'm going commercial. XD

- Jophie