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Save-Point - RPG Maker VX Side-View Battle System 3.3c HELP


Full Version: RPG Maker VX Side-View Battle System 3.3c HELP
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Pages: 1 2
Hello guys, I really need to get a Kaduki Battle System. The type is 3,3c. Can somebody send me the script? I;'ve been looking for this for a matter of time.Cry
Why did you post this in the Upcoming Projects area? o.0 No matter. *moves to Script Request*
I'm new I don't really know where to post stuff....
*sighs* Will I ever find this battle system?
Wait....I'm not treating you as if we're one and the same..
I'll be honest, I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you want a script made for you? Do you need to find an existing script? I think we need more information before we can attempt to help you.
he is looking for an existing script called "Kaduki Battle System", version 3.3c
It should be a side view battle system for VX.
Uhh...let's see....the Battle System Looks like this:
Here is the link:
Oh wait this is 3.3d & ATB 1.1f. I will change the name of the topic...
Thank you! Finally someone gets what I'm saying....!
The actual battle system is called 3.3d & ATB 1.1f.
It's a Tankentai Script and I really need it,
LOL Everytime I post Sora comes up.
Can anyone send me the script?
Alright time to put my foot down on this. You've posted this thread in the wrong area, I moved it. You did multi-posts, I merged them. And now you're kind of coming across as annoying and impatient. If you don't start following the rules of RMVXP, I will be forced to close your request.

Resume request.
Is it this: maybe? It has link to scripts and stuff I think...but I'm not sure. I don't use VX. Don't kill me if its wrong. Sad

- Jophie
Why don't you go look in the scripts section?
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