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Save-Point - Personal Item bag


Full Version: Personal Item bag
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Well, I've been searching all over different websites for a while, but could never find a seperate item bag.

What Does it Do?
What the script is supposed to do is that each party member has their own item bag, with different limits etc.

If you could create this, I will be so thankful.

(If you would like more info or anything on this, just ask. But the thing is, I think I've seen this before. I just can't find it...)
What you have most likely seen is RPG Advocate's 'Separate Item Bag for Multiple Parties' which I saved before his forum, Phylomortis.Com, went down.


But it is for when you split your party into smaller groups and does not give each member their own items.

This would probably mean you would have to add item arrays and gold values to each actor and bypass the Game_Party values altogether. The ITEM class and menu systems would have to be edited so you only got a selected person's inventory of items. You would also have to make allowances in the Interpreter class and at the end of Scene_Battle to bring up a 'WHO GETS?' menu for each item(s) and Gold. Tricky there.

Or... and probably a little easier... make a Game_Party pool that is generated when you receive items at the end of Scene_Battle which then goes to a 'Pooled Items' menu so you can transfer items from one member to another. A bit more roundabout, but you may want to let 'Aluxes' give his sword to 'Hilda' for some reason.
Not exactly what I was looking for, but don't mind it, because this is awesome! :cheery: