09-29-2009, 01:26 AM
Individual Troop Themes VX
Version: 1
Version: 1
This script allows game makers to give a specific Troop ID their own theme song. Useful for Boss battles and other unique battles.
- Give a specific troop ID their own theme.
- Set the song, volume and pitch.
No screencaps.
No demo is needed.
? Individual Troop Themes VX ?
? by PK8 ?
? September 28th, 2009 ?
? http://rmvxp.com ?
? ? Table of Contents ?
? ?? Author's Notes - Line 16?18 ?
? ?? Introduction & Description - Line 20?22 ?
? ?? Features - Line 24?26 ?
? ?? How to Use - Line 28?30 ?
? ?? Methods Aliased - Line 32,33 ?
? ?? Thanks - Line 35?37 ?
? ? Author's Notes ?
? This script was requested by a user in HBGames.org's IRC channel (I forgot ?
? his name) and I was interested in creating this script so... here you go! ?
? ? Introduction & Description ?
? This script allows game makers to give a specific Troop ID their own theme ?
? song. Useful for Boss battles and other unique battles. ?
? ? Features ?
? ? Give a specific troop ID their own theme. ?
? ? Set the song, volume and pitch. ?
? ? How to Use ?
? To give a troop ID their own battle theme, simply type this: ?
? Troops_Theme[id] = ["file", volume, pitch] ?
? ? Methods Aliased ?
? ? call_battle of Scene_Map ?
? ? Thanks ?
? ? JoeYoung requested something like this in the HBGames.org's IRC channel. ?
? ? Decibel showing me how I could find the ID of the troop I'm battling. ?
# * Customise
class PK8
Troops_Theme = {} # Do not touch this.
# [id] = [Music File, Volume, Pitch]
Troops_Theme[1] = ["Airship", 100, 100]
Troops_Theme[2] = ["Battle10", 100, 100]
# ** Scene_Map
# This class performs the map screen processing.
class Scene_Map
alias_method(:pk8_troops_theme_call_battle, :call_battle)
def call_battle
# * Start Troop Theme
def start_troop_theme
PK8::Troops_Theme.each_key { | i |
# If Troop ID equals the key.
if $game_troop.troop.id == i
# If specified BGM isn't nil or empty.
if PK8::Troops_Theme[i][0] != nil and !PK8::Troops_Theme[i][0].empty?
# Sets BGM volume to 100 if nil.
PK8::Troops_Theme[i][1] = 100 if PK8::Troops_Theme[i][1] == nil
# Sets BGM pitch to 100 if nil.
PK8::Troops_Theme[i][2] = 100 if PK8::Troops_Theme[i][2] == nil
# Plays BGM.
PK8::Troops_Theme[i][1], PK8::Troops_Theme[i][2])
end }
Instructions are in the script.
Awaiting question.
This script aliases Scene_Map's call_battle.
Credits and Thanks
JoeYoung requested something like this in HBGames.org's IRC channel.
Decibel showing me how I could find the ID of the troop I'm battling. I decided to "cheat" by using instance_eval. I found a proper way.
Author's Notes
This script was requested by someone, I was interested, voila! :P
Terms and Conditions
Exclusive to RMVXP.co.cc and HBGames.org. Credit me!