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Save-Point - Simple Custom Menu (DMS edit)


Full Version: Simple Custom Menu (DMS edit)
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Heya folks!

Edit of the Default Menu System


Detailed Description:
I have attached some screen shots, but here are some details regarding what I'm looking for:
- Each of the options (equip, save, items, ect) only need to be linked with the default menu system versions (selecting items sends the player to items, ect), no new things need to be made
- I need to be able to disable/enable the equip option
- The log function only needs to link to Leon's Mission/Quest script
- The facesets are preferred, but if it's unable to be done, names will suffice
- The upper left is the Map and the Upper right is Gold (credits in this example). Gold is needed, but if Map is unable to be done, that is fine

Screen shots:
Content Hidden

Other Scripts I am using:
I'm using quite a number of scripts:
Gubid's TBS (latest version)
Dubealex's AMS
SDK v1.3
Makeamidget's really simple equipment adds skills
Leon's mission/quest log

I understand that those are a lot of scripts. Who ever takes this up, either PM me or post in this. I can whip up a demo that has all my scripts in it in case they are unfamiliar.
Thanks for anyone who takes interest in this!