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Recall Potions 2
Version: 2

I was trying to base this off of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance's recall potions. Basically, whenever you're in a dungeon map, using it would teleport you to your "home location". Using the item while in a "home location" or in a "player-friendly location" would teleport you back to the exact coordinates of the last dungeon you've set foot in.

  • Set the main home location and coordinates.
  • Set the sound effect for whenever the player is teleporting between home/dungeon locations.
  • Set a switch ID which nullifies the Recall Potion's ability to do the player any good whenever turned on.
  • Set whether or not a used recall potion would be given back to the player if used inappropriately. (Using it while not in a player-friendly/dungeon map, not having been to a dungeon or while a switch disabling it's effects is activated.)
  • Set which maps are for the most part, "player-friendly".
  • Set which maps are "dungeons".
  • Plug and play...... sort of.
No can do.


Copy-paste the entire common event to your project and create a new item.

Name: Recall Potion (or whatever you'd prefer)
Icon: ?
Description: ?
Scope: None
Occasion: Only from the menu.
Price: ?
Consumable: Yes
Common Event: "Recall Potions 2"

Awaiting question.


Credits and Thanks
No one really. :P

Author's Notes
It's been years since I've made a new Recall Potions event system. :P

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