
Full Version: CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
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If you press LEFT there's a second command window with these commands.
I may have overlooked it, if so I am sorry. But is there a way to make it where the actors do not run forward/to the ally to cast spells and use items? I think I recall seeing it somewhere but I can't find it now. =( Sorry to bug you over this.
Sure, it's in the configuration of Animated Battlers. Look for MNK_STATIONARY_SKILLS and MNK_STATIONARY_ITEMS.


Darn Charlie. You beat me to it.
Silne30 Wrote:Darn Charlie. You beat me to it.

try again Grinning
Ok, im new to scripting. Is there a certain thing I can put in the box to where it makes all spells and item use stationary? So I dont have to put each number of every spell. =) Thanks for the time.
I'm afraid there isn't.
However you can try this. Make a new empty project and create an event with the following script event command:
outfile ="list.txt", "a")
list.each_index { |index|
outfile.write sprintf ("%p",list)
outfile.write "\n"

Run the game and activate the event. Close it. You'll see a text file with the list. Change the MAX value to meet your needs.
Awesome! Thanks a ton. =) By the way. What formula do you use for drakoken to determine if it learns the skill?(if you dont mind me asking)
rand(100)* - rand(100)* > 0

it relies on the comparison of the int values, with some randomness added to it
Gotcha. =) So I can jack up int values of the enemy if I need to make some harder to learn. Thank you.