
Full Version: CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
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Let me put it this way. Support requests for a script should be posted in the Support forum or in that script's thread if there's one here. If I can help, I often reply. One thing people should generally refrain from doing is PMing their requests to a specific member.

That's what that code does.


Hey Charlie. I have a character that isn't allowed to use items. She doesn't have the option. Not sure if it's something that I did in the configuration but can you help me with this?
You're getting lazy...

# ACTORS WHO CANNOT USE ITEMS                                                 #
CANNOT_USE_ITEMS=                         [10]

does this ring a bell?
MMm....i'm sorry, but nothing as changed after the putting this
Quote:# If switching to map
if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
# Return to BGM before battle starts
May it be i do somthing wrong?
I put it after that (as you recomended):
Quote:# Refresh map
And did you disable the four points where bgm_play is called in CTB by Charlie - Scene_Battle?
I'll list them for you, in the demo they are at:
line 274
line 440
line 753
line 783
They look like this:
# Return to BGM before battle starts
You should change them like this:
# Return to BGM before battle starts
          # $game_system.bgm_play($game_temp.map_bgm)
Oh, and of course you should select (None) as Battle End ME in the System tab of the database.
All right, thank you!
I have an old version of this script...
there is a text: made by Charlie Lee.
So... Charlie, is that you? :)
Sorry for duble posting! :(
Yes, that's my old nick.


Yeah. Sorry Charlie. I didn't see that because I imported it from your demo. LOL
Instructions for how to change the sideview battle into the classic first-person-view one.

Quote:You can do it with the proper configuration of Animated Battlers and some edits to the code.

Let's start with the enemies:

set DEFAULT_ENEMY = true
fill DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID with the ids of all your enemies
go to "CTB by Charlie - Spriteset_Battle" and edit line 14 deleting "*1.5"

Then the actors:

set DEFAULT_ACTOR = true
fill DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID with the ids of all your actors
go to " 4 - Misc Code" and edit lines 205, changing it into "def screen_x_disabled", and 225, changing it into "def screen_y_disabled"

Now your actors will be displayed on the bottom of the screen like in the default BS. They still won't be aligned with the stats in the battle status, but depending on which style you want to use, there are differences in how to proceed.

For style 2, paste this after " 5 - RTAB Patch"

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
  def screen_x
    # Return after calculating x-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return (self.index % 4) * 127 + STATUS_WINDOW_X + 64
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
  def screen_y
    if self.index != nil
      y = (($game_party.actors.size>4)?(480-128):(480-128+48)) + 8
      return (self.index / 4) * 47 + y + 24
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
  def screen_z
    if self.index != nil
      return self.index
      return 0