12-30-2008, 06:08 PM
CTB by Charlie Fleed
Version 3.2 (13-10-2010)
PLEASE read the FAQs before posting, THANKS.
![[Image: 31_3.jpg]](http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr99/charlie_lee_79/31_3.jpg)
![[Image: 31.jpg]](http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr99/charlie_lee_79/31.jpg)
Video (v2.9)
Hi all. This is a custom FFX-like battle system. It includes summons, individual battle commands and many other features.
I hope you will enjoy it, and I invite you to report bugs and give comments, suggestions...
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.2 with Kartika font (mediafire)
Author's notes (updated to v3.2)
This system does not use the SDK. Please do not ask for an SDK compatible version, I will not release any.
If you are looking for MORE ANIMATED BATTLERS take a look at the gallery.
You can publish the system in your site/forum provided that you:
1) insert a link to this page;
2) use the demo URL found in this page (do not upload on other file sharing services, do not post the script as text);
3) report the terms of use specified below.
Terms of use
The battle system is free for use in non-commercial games, provided that credit is given to me as the author, or the original author if you use a modified version of it. For its use in commercial games, please contact me.
These terms also apply to all the previous versions of the system (including the ones under the name "CTB by Charlie Lee").
The battle system uses the script "Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced" by DerVVulfman. For its terms of use, please refer to this page: http://rmvxp.com/thread-510.html
Content Hidden
Individual turn based BS: different actions cause different delays.
All actions are executed immediately (i.e. zero casting time, only a delay after the action execution).
Support for 8 chars during battle (6 if you use style 1).
Individual Battle Commands.
Transformations, Summons, Party Switching, Limitbreaks/Overdrives.
FFX-like Skill Learning System for Summons/Aeons
(REMOVED AND AVAILABLE AS A SEPARATE SCRIPT) A skills learning system based on weapons: basically the same system of FFIX.
CUSTOM SKILLS: Altruismo, Trincea, Drain, Aspire, Demi, Steal, Reflect, Drakoken.
Advanced targetting (if it can be called so): depending on the skill, the target may be:
CUSTOM STATES: Priority, Thievery, Reflect, Reaction, Auto-Phoenix, Double EXP, Regen, Auto-Life, Stop Time, MP 1, Half MP, Doom, Zombie, Stone.
Multiple states are shown through cycling text during battle.
Custom damage sprite animation for SP and HP loss and gain.
Two Status battle styles available.
Animated HP bars.
Target indicator in the turns bar.
A modified status window that shows the exp points for the learning process.
A status window available during battles.
A window showing the turns.
I'm sure I'm missing something... if you see anything non-standard... it was me.
All actions are executed immediately (i.e. zero casting time, only a delay after the action execution).
Support for 8 chars during battle (6 if you use style 1).
Individual Battle Commands.
Transformations, Summons, Party Switching, Limitbreaks/Overdrives.
FFX-like Skill Learning System for Summons/Aeons
(REMOVED AND AVAILABLE AS A SEPARATE SCRIPT) A skills learning system based on weapons: basically the same system of FFIX.
CUSTOM SKILLS: Altruismo, Trincea, Drain, Aspire, Demi, Steal, Reflect, Drakoken.
Advanced targetting (if it can be called so): depending on the skill, the target may be:
- a single element either ally or enemy (reflex for example);
a single enemy or all the enemies (see double slash in the demo).
CUSTOM STATES: Priority, Thievery, Reflect, Reaction, Auto-Phoenix, Double EXP, Regen, Auto-Life, Stop Time, MP 1, Half MP, Doom, Zombie, Stone.
Multiple states are shown through cycling text during battle.
Custom damage sprite animation for SP and HP loss and gain.
Two Status battle styles available.
Animated HP bars.
Target indicator in the turns bar.
A modified status window that shows the exp points for the learning process.
A status window available during battles.
A window showing the turns.
I'm sure I'm missing something... if you see anything non-standard... it was me.
v1.2 FFX-like reaction: the player automatically attacks. Selectable in the configuration.
v1.4 The battler can return to the guarding position after a FFX-like reaction.
v1.4 Implemented a new technique (Altruismo) that allows to defend an attacked ally.
v1.5 Trincea implemented.
v1.5 "Stand still" element introduced, to be applied to weapons and techs: forces the battler to stay immobile.
v1.6 Skill learning resume window at the end of the battle.
v1.6 Configurable delays and variance (kind of) for the BS.
v1.6 Some visual and timing configuration parameters available.
v1.6 Configurable multiplier for the level->exp_points relation
v2.0 Minkoff/DerVVulfman v10.0 animation system adopted
v2.2 Added a simple SuperArts/LimitBreaks system.
v2.2 Added a Scene_Skill subwindow that shows Techniques.
v2.3 Added support for forced battle actions.
v2.3 Added a new state, Priority, that gives the char the first turn in battle.
v2.4 Added an option to show pictures instead of text in the turns window.
v2.4 Added an Auto-Phoenix state.
v2.4 Added a configuration option so that auto-phoenix can be used only on chars killed during the last turn.
v2.4 The turns update only if a change really occurs and not at every change of the selection in the actor command window.
v2.5 Lots of graphics configuration options
v2.5 Support for 8 chars during battle.
v2.5 New battle status window
v2.5 Summons
v2.5 Options for usability of items with summons
v2.5 Individual Battle Commands
v2.6 Curative skills do not depend on target's int.
v2.6 It's possible to tag selected skills so that they cannot be reflected.
v2.6 Redesigned, floating and more essential status-on-battle window.
v2.6 Display of skills grouped by category in the Skills Menu can be disabled from the configuration.
v2.6 Support for images of the enemies in the turn window.
v2.6 Skills Learning System version 1.7 included.
v2.7 New skills Drain and Aspire, with different colors and damage sprite animation for SP and HP loss and gain.
v2.7 Support for multi-attack weapons (if you are using Multi-Slot by Guillame777).
v2.7 Two Status battle styles available.
v2.7 Configurable filling speed for the SuperArt points bar.
v2.7 New skill Demi: halves the target's HP.
v2.8 New skill Steal.
v2.8 New state Thievery.
v2.8 Defetead Aeons can be automatically retired from battle.
v2.8 Aeons recover a configurable amount of HPs at the end of each battle.
v2.8 Defetead Aeons become unavailable for a configurable number of battles.
v2.8 Added a new scene to visualize stats and skills of the Aeons and to make them learn new skills.
v2.9 Aeons recover a configurable amount of SPs at the end of each battle.
v2.9 Formula for techs damage changed: tech power now expresses the amount of damage as a percentage relative to a phiycal attack.
v2.9 Change SuperArt style by pressing SHIFT in the status scene.
v2.9 View HP/SP of summons during battle BEFORE you call them.
v2.9 Third type of Summon: transformation. Transformation cannot be reverted during battle. Transformed actors return to their basic form after battle.
v2.9 Physical attacks and skills cannot target flying enemies unless the battler uses a ranged weapon.
v2.9 Added missing animations to the summoning system: appearing summoned and transformed actors, returning party.
v2.9 Minkoff/DerVVulfman v10.7 (slightly patched) animation system adopted.
v2.10 Added the possibility to switch party members during the battle.
v2.10 The superart bar can be disabled on a per character basis.
v2.10 Animated HP bars.
v2.10 Target indicator in the turns bar.
v2.10 Can use custom graphics for the command window.
v2.10 Shortcuts added to the command window. Press LEFT to select Defend - RIGHT to select Superarts.
v2.11 New window for Defend, Skip, Status and Escape, and new Overdrive window (removed the shortcuts system).
v2.11 Battle report.
v2.11 Actors that cannot use Items.
v2.11 Switch Party Scene.
v2.11 Transformations recover a configurable amount of HPs at the end of each battle.
v2.11 Added a new scene to visualize stats of the Transformations.
v2.11 Automatic addition of Aeons and Transformations to the party.
v2.12 Cursor memory (optional).
v2.12 Auto-Life
v2.12 Extended stats in switch character window.
v2.12 Little changes in the Reflect support (Trincea and Altruismo cannot be reflected).
v2.12 Skills can be set up to be reflected based on the comparison of user's and target's intelligence.
v2.12 Rotating state animations for party members and enemies updated.
v2.12 New overdrive type Emphaty.
v2.12 New battle formulas.
v2.13 New overdrive types Category, Critical.
v2.13 Icons in the battle command window.
v2.13 New state "Stop Time" (aka how to get consecutive turns).
v2.13 New state "MP 1" (reduces mp consumption to 1).
v2.13 New state "Half MP" (halves mp consumption).
v2.13 New state "Doom" (starts a countdown to death).
v2.13 SP/HP recovery on Attack and Defend (Optional).
v2.13 HP bars for enemies killed at least once (Optional).
v2.13 New state "Zombie" (inverts the effects of skills with ATK_F=0 and items, aka how to kill with an extra-potion).
v2.13 New state "Stone" (instantly killed by physical attacks and skills with ATK_F>0).
v2.13 Blue Magic (learn skills from enemies).
v2.13 Optional horizontal turns bar.
v2.14 New feature Unleash Skill.
v2.14 Improved animated bars.
v2.14 Fixed actors (actors that cannot be switched, not even when transformed).
v2.14 Added a new element tag for Drain-like skills.
v2.14 Configurable opacity for the HP/SP bars (this lets you can make them invisible if you want).
v2.14 Simplified installation: "switch" and "retire" common events not needed anymore.
v2.14 Adjustable vertical spacing in status window style 1.
v2.14 ATB bar.
v2.14 Grandia Bar.
v2.14 Configurable BGM for each Summon.
v2.14 Configurable Animation for each Summon.
v2.14 Allies with HP>0 cannot be targeted for the usage of items or skills with "One Ally (HP 0)" scope.
v2.14 Allies with HP=0 cannot be targeted for the usage of items or skills with "One Ally" scope.
v3.0 Minkoff/DerVVulfman v12.3 animation system adopted.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that made dead enemies be revived with several consecutive turns.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that affected bars and actors with zero SPs.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that caused skills to be wrongly disabled for actors with the MP1 or HalfMP states.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that caused the ATB and HP bars to be shown for escaped battlers.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that caused ATB and HP bars to be shown in the top-left corner of the screen at the beginning of a battle.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that made dead actors accumulate superarts points.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that prevented the animation of the hp bars from being shown in case of gameover deriving from the "Change HP" battle event.
v3.0 The single/all element can be applied to skills with the "One Ally" scope.
v3.0 Party members cannot be switched with dead backup members during battles.
v3.0 An actor cannot react against himself.
v3.0 Skill costs reflect MP1 and HalfMP states.
v3.0 Changed the management of battle events, allowing a battle event to be executed if a given actor has the current turn, before commands are chosen.
v3.0 The "Change HP" battle event does not lead to gameover if the party is removed and summoned actors are fighting, instead the party makes its return.
v3.0 Temporary states are removed from backup actors, summoned actors and transformed actors at the end of the battle.
v3.0 Doom and poison effects moved at the end of the turn.
v3.0 Reaction triggered when guarding (optional).
v3.0 Built-in multiple-hits skills.
v3.0 Per-skill configurable delays with updates of the turns window during skill selection.
v3.0 Configurable height of the hp/sp bars in battlestatus-window style 1.
v3.0 Configurable text and text border color of the hp/sp bars in battlestatus-window style 1.
v3.0 Optional variation of the defense value calculation with PDEF-F and MDEF-F used as scaling factors for the defense provided by PDEF and MDEF.
v3.0 Trincea and Altruismo cannot be used on oneself.
v3.0 Optional communication of immunity to state change.
v3.0 Optional SP recovery on Defend.
v3.0 Different HP/SP recovery settings for party members and enemies.
v3.0 Animated bars for status window style 2.
v3.0 Skills that deal damage proportional to a physical attack.
v3.0 Icons for the states in the status window.
v3.0 Conditional experience gain.
v3.0 "Switch" command disabled when there are no backup party members.
v3.0 Gameover when all the "ordinary" actors die.
v3.1 Party positions preserved when returning transformed actors to their original forms.
v3.1 Fixed a bug that caused multiple-hits skills to not to be executed when with insufficient SPs.
v3.1 Fixed a bug that affected reaction by enemies.
v3.1 Fixed a bug that affected the Retire command and the Silence state.
v3.1 Optional unresized battlestatus faces in style 1.
v3.1 Added a third style for the battle status window.
v3.1 Patch for DerVVulfman's Blue Magic system (provided by DVV himself).
v3.1 Custom battle background for summons.
v3.1 Added custom state Healer. Doubles the power of curative skills.
v3.1 Added custom state Super Guard. Reduces damage when guarding.
v3.1 Added custom state Gold x2. Doubles the amount of gold gained at the end of a battle.
v3.1 Added Battle cries.
v3.1 Added a volume option to the 'summon bgm' command.
v3.1 Summons in test battles still cannot be used but don't crash the game anymore.
v3.1 Added SP Damage skills.
v3.1 Changed the name of the method used to draw characters' faces, which caused incompatibility issues with some menu systems.
v3.1 Shield and Sacrifice (former Altruismo and Trincea) supported for enemies.
v3.1 Actors that transform or use a type 2-summon do not take damage from poisoning.
v3.1 Custom Item and Skill windows used during battles do not affect the menu.
v3.1 Switching does not count as a turn for auto removal of states.
v3.1 The turns window shows the effect of the "Stop Time" state.
v3.1 Animated Battlers 13.2 included.
v3.2 New battle report.
v3.2 New SuperArts fill mode "Damage".
v3.2 New custom state Rigene MP.
v3.2 Custom rates for Rigene and Rigene MP.
v3.2 Optional regeneration at every turn.
v3.2 Visual notification of state change.
v3.2 Casting delay.
v3.2 Extra damage for actors casting spells.
v3.2 Added new state Flight.
v3.2 Random multiple loots.
v3.2 BUG FOUND: states with restrictions applied through battle events at the first turn partially don't work (a command can be selected, but it's not executed).
v3.2 Compatible with DerVVulfman's Karen's Combos.
v3.2 Animated Battlers 13.3 included.
v1.4 The battler can return to the guarding position after a FFX-like reaction.
v1.4 Implemented a new technique (Altruismo) that allows to defend an attacked ally.
v1.5 Trincea implemented.
v1.5 "Stand still" element introduced, to be applied to weapons and techs: forces the battler to stay immobile.
v1.6 Skill learning resume window at the end of the battle.
v1.6 Configurable delays and variance (kind of) for the BS.
v1.6 Some visual and timing configuration parameters available.
v1.6 Configurable multiplier for the level->exp_points relation
v2.0 Minkoff/DerVVulfman v10.0 animation system adopted
v2.2 Added a simple SuperArts/LimitBreaks system.
v2.2 Added a Scene_Skill subwindow that shows Techniques.
v2.3 Added support for forced battle actions.
v2.3 Added a new state, Priority, that gives the char the first turn in battle.
v2.4 Added an option to show pictures instead of text in the turns window.
v2.4 Added an Auto-Phoenix state.
v2.4 Added a configuration option so that auto-phoenix can be used only on chars killed during the last turn.
v2.4 The turns update only if a change really occurs and not at every change of the selection in the actor command window.
v2.5 Lots of graphics configuration options
v2.5 Support for 8 chars during battle.
v2.5 New battle status window
v2.5 Summons
v2.5 Options for usability of items with summons
v2.5 Individual Battle Commands
v2.6 Curative skills do not depend on target's int.
v2.6 It's possible to tag selected skills so that they cannot be reflected.
v2.6 Redesigned, floating and more essential status-on-battle window.
v2.6 Display of skills grouped by category in the Skills Menu can be disabled from the configuration.
v2.6 Support for images of the enemies in the turn window.
v2.6 Skills Learning System version 1.7 included.
v2.7 New skills Drain and Aspire, with different colors and damage sprite animation for SP and HP loss and gain.
v2.7 Support for multi-attack weapons (if you are using Multi-Slot by Guillame777).
v2.7 Two Status battle styles available.
v2.7 Configurable filling speed for the SuperArt points bar.
v2.7 New skill Demi: halves the target's HP.
v2.8 New skill Steal.
v2.8 New state Thievery.
v2.8 Defetead Aeons can be automatically retired from battle.
v2.8 Aeons recover a configurable amount of HPs at the end of each battle.
v2.8 Defetead Aeons become unavailable for a configurable number of battles.
v2.8 Added a new scene to visualize stats and skills of the Aeons and to make them learn new skills.
v2.9 Aeons recover a configurable amount of SPs at the end of each battle.
v2.9 Formula for techs damage changed: tech power now expresses the amount of damage as a percentage relative to a phiycal attack.
v2.9 Change SuperArt style by pressing SHIFT in the status scene.
v2.9 View HP/SP of summons during battle BEFORE you call them.
v2.9 Third type of Summon: transformation. Transformation cannot be reverted during battle. Transformed actors return to their basic form after battle.
v2.9 Physical attacks and skills cannot target flying enemies unless the battler uses a ranged weapon.
v2.9 Added missing animations to the summoning system: appearing summoned and transformed actors, returning party.
v2.9 Minkoff/DerVVulfman v10.7 (slightly patched) animation system adopted.
v2.10 Added the possibility to switch party members during the battle.
v2.10 The superart bar can be disabled on a per character basis.
v2.10 Animated HP bars.
v2.10 Target indicator in the turns bar.
v2.10 Can use custom graphics for the command window.
v2.10 Shortcuts added to the command window. Press LEFT to select Defend - RIGHT to select Superarts.
v2.11 New window for Defend, Skip, Status and Escape, and new Overdrive window (removed the shortcuts system).
v2.11 Battle report.
v2.11 Actors that cannot use Items.
v2.11 Switch Party Scene.
v2.11 Transformations recover a configurable amount of HPs at the end of each battle.
v2.11 Added a new scene to visualize stats of the Transformations.
v2.11 Automatic addition of Aeons and Transformations to the party.
v2.12 Cursor memory (optional).
v2.12 Auto-Life
v2.12 Extended stats in switch character window.
v2.12 Little changes in the Reflect support (Trincea and Altruismo cannot be reflected).
v2.12 Skills can be set up to be reflected based on the comparison of user's and target's intelligence.
v2.12 Rotating state animations for party members and enemies updated.
v2.12 New overdrive type Emphaty.
v2.12 New battle formulas.
v2.13 New overdrive types Category, Critical.
v2.13 Icons in the battle command window.
v2.13 New state "Stop Time" (aka how to get consecutive turns).
v2.13 New state "MP 1" (reduces mp consumption to 1).
v2.13 New state "Half MP" (halves mp consumption).
v2.13 New state "Doom" (starts a countdown to death).
v2.13 SP/HP recovery on Attack and Defend (Optional).
v2.13 HP bars for enemies killed at least once (Optional).
v2.13 New state "Zombie" (inverts the effects of skills with ATK_F=0 and items, aka how to kill with an extra-potion).
v2.13 New state "Stone" (instantly killed by physical attacks and skills with ATK_F>0).
v2.13 Blue Magic (learn skills from enemies).
v2.13 Optional horizontal turns bar.
v2.14 New feature Unleash Skill.
v2.14 Improved animated bars.
v2.14 Fixed actors (actors that cannot be switched, not even when transformed).
v2.14 Added a new element tag for Drain-like skills.
v2.14 Configurable opacity for the HP/SP bars (this lets you can make them invisible if you want).
v2.14 Simplified installation: "switch" and "retire" common events not needed anymore.
v2.14 Adjustable vertical spacing in status window style 1.
v2.14 ATB bar.
v2.14 Grandia Bar.
v2.14 Configurable BGM for each Summon.
v2.14 Configurable Animation for each Summon.
v2.14 Allies with HP>0 cannot be targeted for the usage of items or skills with "One Ally (HP 0)" scope.
v2.14 Allies with HP=0 cannot be targeted for the usage of items or skills with "One Ally" scope.
v3.0 Minkoff/DerVVulfman v12.3 animation system adopted.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that made dead enemies be revived with several consecutive turns.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that affected bars and actors with zero SPs.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that caused skills to be wrongly disabled for actors with the MP1 or HalfMP states.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that caused the ATB and HP bars to be shown for escaped battlers.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that caused ATB and HP bars to be shown in the top-left corner of the screen at the beginning of a battle.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that made dead actors accumulate superarts points.
v3.0 Fixed a bug that prevented the animation of the hp bars from being shown in case of gameover deriving from the "Change HP" battle event.
v3.0 The single/all element can be applied to skills with the "One Ally" scope.
v3.0 Party members cannot be switched with dead backup members during battles.
v3.0 An actor cannot react against himself.
v3.0 Skill costs reflect MP1 and HalfMP states.
v3.0 Changed the management of battle events, allowing a battle event to be executed if a given actor has the current turn, before commands are chosen.
v3.0 The "Change HP" battle event does not lead to gameover if the party is removed and summoned actors are fighting, instead the party makes its return.
v3.0 Temporary states are removed from backup actors, summoned actors and transformed actors at the end of the battle.
v3.0 Doom and poison effects moved at the end of the turn.
v3.0 Reaction triggered when guarding (optional).
v3.0 Built-in multiple-hits skills.
v3.0 Per-skill configurable delays with updates of the turns window during skill selection.
v3.0 Configurable height of the hp/sp bars in battlestatus-window style 1.
v3.0 Configurable text and text border color of the hp/sp bars in battlestatus-window style 1.
v3.0 Optional variation of the defense value calculation with PDEF-F and MDEF-F used as scaling factors for the defense provided by PDEF and MDEF.
v3.0 Trincea and Altruismo cannot be used on oneself.
v3.0 Optional communication of immunity to state change.
v3.0 Optional SP recovery on Defend.
v3.0 Different HP/SP recovery settings for party members and enemies.
v3.0 Animated bars for status window style 2.
v3.0 Skills that deal damage proportional to a physical attack.
v3.0 Icons for the states in the status window.
v3.0 Conditional experience gain.
v3.0 "Switch" command disabled when there are no backup party members.
v3.0 Gameover when all the "ordinary" actors die.
v3.1 Party positions preserved when returning transformed actors to their original forms.
v3.1 Fixed a bug that caused multiple-hits skills to not to be executed when with insufficient SPs.
v3.1 Fixed a bug that affected reaction by enemies.
v3.1 Fixed a bug that affected the Retire command and the Silence state.
v3.1 Optional unresized battlestatus faces in style 1.
v3.1 Added a third style for the battle status window.
v3.1 Patch for DerVVulfman's Blue Magic system (provided by DVV himself).
v3.1 Custom battle background for summons.
v3.1 Added custom state Healer. Doubles the power of curative skills.
v3.1 Added custom state Super Guard. Reduces damage when guarding.
v3.1 Added custom state Gold x2. Doubles the amount of gold gained at the end of a battle.
v3.1 Added Battle cries.
v3.1 Added a volume option to the 'summon bgm' command.
v3.1 Summons in test battles still cannot be used but don't crash the game anymore.
v3.1 Added SP Damage skills.
v3.1 Changed the name of the method used to draw characters' faces, which caused incompatibility issues with some menu systems.
v3.1 Shield and Sacrifice (former Altruismo and Trincea) supported for enemies.
v3.1 Actors that transform or use a type 2-summon do not take damage from poisoning.
v3.1 Custom Item and Skill windows used during battles do not affect the menu.
v3.1 Switching does not count as a turn for auto removal of states.
v3.1 The turns window shows the effect of the "Stop Time" state.
v3.1 Animated Battlers 13.2 included.
v3.2 New battle report.
v3.2 New SuperArts fill mode "Damage".
v3.2 New custom state Rigene MP.
v3.2 Custom rates for Rigene and Rigene MP.
v3.2 Optional regeneration at every turn.
v3.2 Visual notification of state change.
v3.2 Casting delay.
v3.2 Extra damage for actors casting spells.
v3.2 Added new state Flight.
v3.2 Random multiple loots.
v3.2 BUG FOUND: states with restrictions applied through battle events at the first turn partially don't work (a command can be selected, but it's not executed).
v3.2 Compatible with DerVVulfman's Karen's Combos.
v3.2 Animated Battlers 13.3 included.
Content Hidden
![[Image: Immagine-2.jpg]](http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr99/charlie_lee_79/Immagine-2.jpg)
![[Image: grandiabar.jpg]](http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr99/charlie_lee_79/grandiabar.jpg)
![[Image: immagine0mo5.jpg]](http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4281/immagine0mo5.jpg)
![[Image: battlereport.jpg]](http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/rr99/charlie_lee_79/battlereport.jpg)
![[Image: ctb26qy6.jpg]](http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/2696/ctb26qy6.jpg)
![[Image: summonskillsnc5.jpg]](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9844/summonskillsnc5.jpg)
![[Image: ctbpicturesji3.jpg]](http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6603/ctbpicturesji3.jpg)
![[Image: ctb3ln6.jpg]](http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/5934/ctb3ln6.jpg)
![[Image: ctb1wv9.jpg]](http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/443/ctb1wv9.jpg)
![[Image: ctb2dm2.jpg]](http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/6602/ctb2dm2.jpg)
![[Image: 22195395ld1.gif]](http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/3447/22195395ld1.gif)
Please refer to the pdf that is included in the demo.
Content Hidden
A lot of people ask questions regarding Minkoff/DerVVulfman's animation system:
- Why do not my battlers show up correctly?
- How can I move the battlers?
- I don't like the positions of the battlers, how can I change them?
- Can I configure the enemies/party members to be static and/or not animated?
- Q: Can I use default battlers?
A: Yes, you can do it with the proper configuration of Animated Battlers. Read the PDF GUIDE FOR ANIMATED BATTLERS.
- Q: Can I use character sets or spritesheets with 7 or 10 rows and 6 frames?
A: Yes, you can do it with the proper configuration of Animated Battlers. Read the PDF GUIDE FOR ANIMATED BATTLERS.
- Q: My archer shouldn't run towards the enemy when he attacks with his bow...
A: Find MNK_STATIONARY_WEAPONS = [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] in the configuration of Animated Battlers and put all the IDs of your bows, guns, etc.
- Q: How can I change the party positions?
A: With the introduction of Animated Battlers Enhanced version 12.3, you need a script called Formation System, which is available here. Refer to the PDF GUIDE FOR ANIMATED BATTLERS for the details.
Older Versions
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CTB by Charlie Lee v1.6 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.0 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.1 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.2 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.3 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.4 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.5 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.6 no font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.7 no font (mediafire) (bug fixed)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.9 no font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.10 with Kartika font (mediafire) SLS bug fixed
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.11 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.12 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.13 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v2.14 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.0 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.1 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.1 with Kartika font (google)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.0 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.1 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.2 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.3 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.4 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.5 no font (rapidshare)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.6 no font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.7 no font (mediafire) (bug fixed)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.9 no font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.10 with Kartika font (mediafire) SLS bug fixed
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.11 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.12 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Lee v2.13 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v2.14 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.0 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.1 with Kartika font (mediafire)
CTB by Charlie Fleed v3.1 with Kartika font (google)