
Full Version: Charlie's Passability Mini-Map, Version 0.4
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outlandish Wrote:Now I know you can add things like npcs and monsters to your mini map. But I can't seem to get it to work. I've added the graphics in the config and I've tried naming the events according to the Keywords, I've tried adding the keyword to the comment of the event. But I can't seem to make anything show up on the mini map except the player. I'm just not sure how it works. I'd really appreciate some help on that.

OK, please post your configuration of this part:

And, before I said that you need the comment but I was wrong, it's the name that counts. Sorry about that, I corrected that post.

outlandish Wrote:Also I keep trying to get the code to trigger the map on and off, and I don't seem to be doing it right. I've looked at other scripts and I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe you could correct my code to help me see what I have to do. Here's the code.

if Input.trigger?(Input::Y)
  if $game_system.minimap_visible==true

Any help would be appreciated. I must be doing something wrong but I can't figure what. Thanks so much.

It looks ok, but where is it executed?
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