
Full Version: F12 Pause with image script
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F12 Pause with image script
Version: 1.1
Author: Zeriab
Date: 2009-05-25


This script changes the functionality of the F12 button so it toggles pause on and off instead of resetting the game.
It displays an image while paused.


[Image: f12_pause.jpg]


Copy+paste the script into the script editor. (Unsure? See this tutorial)
Import picture named pause to Graphics/Pictures. You can use the example picture below for trying it out.

[Image: pause.png]


# ** Pausing with F12
# Zeriab
# Version 1.1
# 2009-05-25 (Year-Month-Day)
# * Version History :
#   Version 1.0 -------------------------------------------------- (2009-05-22)
#   - First release
#   Version 1.1 -------------------------------------------------- (2009-05-25)
#   - The pause image now appears immediately when F12 is pressed.
#   - Transitions are cut short rather than restarted when F12 is pressed.
# * Description :
#   This script changes the functionality of pressing F12 during the game
#   from resetting the game to (un)pausing the game. A picture is displayed
#   while the game is paused. (Having a picture is optional)
# * License :
#   Copyright (C) 2009  Zeriab
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
#   For the full license see <>
#   The GNU General Public License:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License:
# * Compatibility :
#   Is most likely not compatible with other F12 prevention scripts.
# * Instructions :
#   Place this script anywhere above main.
#   The image file 'pause' present in Graphics/Pictures is used.
#   Note: No picture is shown if there is no 'pause' in Graphics/Pictures.

# ** Reset class (because it won't be defined until F12 is pressed otherwise)
class Reset < Exception
# ** Module Graphics
module Graphics
  class << self
    # * Aliases Graphics.update and Graphics.transition
    unless self.method_defined?(:zeriab_f12_pause_update)
      alias_method(:zeriab_f12_pause_update, :update)
      alias_method(:zeriab_f12_pause_transition, :transition)
    # Change the update method so F12 toggles pause
    def update(*args)
      # Try to update normally
      rescue Reset
        # Do nothing
      # F12 has been pressed
      done = false
      # Store frame count
      frame_count = Graphics.frame_count
      # Show pause image
      @sprite =
      @sprite.z = 9999
        @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture('pause')
        @sprite.bitmap =,32)
      # Keep trying to do the update
      while !done
          done = true
        rescue Reset
          # Do Nothing
      # F12 has been released, update until it is pressed again
      while done
        rescue Reset
          done = false
      # F12 has been pressed, keep trying to update
      while !done
          done = true
        rescue Reset
          # Do nothing
      # F12 has been released, dispose pause image
      # Set proper frame count
      Graphics.frame_count = frame_count
    # Changes the transition so it is cut short if F12 is pressed
    def transition(*args)
      done = false
      # Keep trying to do the transition
      while !done
          done = true
        rescue Reset
          # Set transition length to 0 frames.
          args[0] = 0


Credits goes to Zeriab for writing the script and making the Paused picture.

Known Compatibility Issues

Will most like not work together with other scripts changing the functionality of the F12 button.

Author's Notes
Thanks goes to sixdd for suggesting pause toggling and showing a pause image.
Thanks goes to Kiriashi for inspiration on cutting the transitions short.
You can use the pause image and modify it any way you like. You don't have to provide credits or anything.
If F12 is pressed during a transition the transition is cut short.
Note that it does NOT work on VX.

Terms and Conditions
I have updated my script so it now has a typical script header. There are also two changes:
  • The pause image now appears immediately when F12 is pressed.
  • Transitions are cut short rather than restarted when F12 is pressed
- Zeriab