03-08-2008, 05:02 AM
This is not my script!, the original author is modern algebra
What does it do?
It lets you use rmxp type charsets in vx, all the instructions are in the script! It actually lets you customize the amount of frames for each image. So you could have 3 like vx, 4 like xp, or more.
What does it do?
It lets you use rmxp type charsets in vx, all the instructions are in the script! It actually lets you customize the amount of frames for each image. So you could have 3 like vx, 4 like xp, or more.
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# Extra Movement Frames v. 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: January 20, 2008
# Instructions:
# Insert this script above main in the database. To add a character with
# extra movement frames, simply rename the character graphic to something
# of the form:
# !$%[<number of movement frames>]<Regular name>
# Example: !$%[4]001-Fighter01
# That would make the graphic 001-Fighter01 be interpreted as having 4 frames
# ** Game_Character
# Summary of changes:
# aliased methods - update_animation
# new class variables - height divisor, width divisor
# new methods - calculate_divisors
class Game_Character
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :height_divisor # The height of a single frame
attr_reader :width_divisor # number of frames in the x direction
# * Calculate Divisors
# Sets up the instance variables required
def calculate_divisors
return unless @previous_character.nil? || @previous_character != @character_name
bitmap = Cache.character (@character_name)
sign = @character_name[/^[\!\$].[\%]\[\d*\]/]
if !sign.nil? && sign.size > 5
@original_pattern = 0
@width_divisor = sign[4, sign.size - 5].to_i
@height_divisor = 4
elsif !sign.nil? && sign.include? ('$')
@width_divisor = 3
@height_divisor = 4
@width_divisor = 12
@height_divisor = 8
@previous_character = @character_name
# * Update Animation
# Change the hard coded values to ones dependent on character graphic format
alias ma_extra_movement_frames_anim_upd update_animation
def update_animation
saved_anime_count = @anime_count
pattern_original = @pattern
speed = @move_speed + (dash? ? 1 : 0)
if (saved_anime_count > (18 - speed * 2)) && (@step_anime || (@stop_count <= 0))
@pattern = (pattern_original + 1) % @width_divisor
# * Sprite Character
# Summary of changes:
# aliased methods - update_src_rect, update_bitmap
class Sprite_Character
# * Update Src Rect
# Interpret multiple movement frames: Changed pattern
alias ma_extra_movement_frames_src_rect_upd update_src_rect
def update_src_rect
if @tile_id == 0
index = @character.character_index
pattern = @character.pattern < @character.width_divisor ? @character.pattern : 1
sx = (index % 4 * 3 + pattern) * @cw
sy = (index / 4 * 4 + (@character.direction - 2) / 2) * @ch
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
# * Update Bitmap
# Change hard coded values to ones dependent on character graphic
alias ma_extra_movement_frames_bmp_upd update_bitmap
def update_bitmap
saved_tile_id = @tile_id
saved_character_name = @character_name
saved_character_index = @character_index
if saved_tile_id != @character.tile_id or
saved_character_name != @character.character_name or
saved_character_index != @character.character_index
unless @tile_id > 0
@cw = bitmap.width / @character.width_divisor
@ch = bitmap.height / @character.height_divisor
self.ox = @cw / 2
self.oy = @ch
# ** Window Base
# Summary of changes:
# overwritten methods - draw_character
class Window_Base
# * Draw Charater (overwritten for extra movement frames)
# character_name : the name of the character file
# character_index : the index of the character in the file
# x : the x position to draw
# y : the y position to draw
def draw_character(character_name, character_index, x, y)
return if character_name == nil
bitmap = Cache.character(character_name)
sign = character_name[/^[\!\$].[\%]\[\d*\]/]
if !sign.nil? && sign.size > 5
cw = bitmap.width / sign[4, sign.size - 5].to_i
ch = bitmap.height / 4
elsif sign != nil and sign.include?('$')
cw = bitmap.width / 3
ch = bitmap.height / 4
cw = bitmap.width / 12
ch = bitmap.height / 8
n = character_index
src_rect =*3+1)*cw, (n/4*4)*ch, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)