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Passive Skills/Abilities VX
Version: 1.1


I wanted to make a script that allowed the players to have constant Skills or passive 'Abilities'.
These could do things like increase the players stats or resistance to states
Someone told me it had already been made :( But, after not being able to find it I started on my own.
Finally, I found out that KGC had made one, and strived to make mine better and easier to use.
And it is! Enjoy xD

Read Instructions Before Using


Allows you to make Passive skills. They have a number of different Features

For a more detailed description read the script header.


Can't really take a screenshot....

Next post


The only Demo I've ever made for a script xD
It features a strange old man who acts like a human punching bag, and a poor excuse for me not wanting to sprite a Hornet ^.^

Enjoy, I hope it helps because it's all you're getting ;)

Click Me


Put it under the Materials Section
Further instructions can be found in the script header


Requires my 'Notes Field System' above this script:
Notes Field System V 1.5

There are also few important things to consider while using this script
It is advised you not make it possible for players to get over 50% on any of the Battle effects. This can make them invincible - which is not good


Compatible with most things I hope. However, this script is under development, so bugs may occur.

The script also rewrites quite a few commands, these include:
  • Game Battler
    • execute_damage
    • skill_effect
  • Scene_Battle
    • display_state_changes
    • display_added_states
    • display_removed_states
    • display_remained_states
    • display_hp_damage
  • Window_BattleMessage
    • add_instant_text
    • replace_instant_text
  • Window_Skill
    • refresh