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Conditional Skills and Equipment VX
Version: 2.6.1


I was inspired by a request to make this script. It allows you to set special use conditions to any skills or equipement you want. It's a very simple script and is currently under development, but I wanted to post it anyway.

Read Instructions Before Using


Allows you to make skills and equipment that require special conditions to be used.
These include:
You can set the script to remove equipment when they don't meet their requirements anymore

eg. A Begginers Below Level 5 Sword will be removed when you reach level 5

The script can also hide any skills you want when they can't be used.


Can't really take a screenshot....



Put it under the Materials Section
Place my 'Notes Field System' above this script:
Notes Field System V 1.5
Further instructions can be found in the script header.


Compatible with most things I hope. However, this script is under development, so bugs may occur. The script also changes 'Window_Skill's 'refresh' command and 'Scene_Equip's 'update_item_selection' command. However the small pieces of coding can easily be added where you need it.