
Full Version: Moghunter Menus: Scene File Ayumi
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Moghunter's Menu Systems:
Scene File Ayumi

Version: 1.2
Original version by Moghunter
Reinvisioned version by DerVVulfman

One of the most widely known 'Image-Based' menus, the Moghunter Menus were (and still are) the definition in stylized menus, comprising both functionality as well as visual appeal. Unlike most other menu systems, the foreground, background and nearly every detail of the menus are created with images stored within the Graphics\Pictures folder.

This is a reinvisioned version of the Moghunter Menu: Scene File Ayumi. The changes are as follows:

  • A more elaborite configuration system with clearly defined notation.
  • Filenames for the menu graphics are now stored within the configuration section and are no longer hardwired in the code.
  • Older existing default classes are re-used rather than creating newer ones, allowing more compatability with other scripts.

[Image: fmZYiln.png]

The Menu System Demo
* Not all characters in the party have properly loaded images. I was kinda in a rush.

Menu Ayumi 'Reinvisioned'
Original Version

Plenty... all built into the script.

Credits and Thanks
Thanks to Moghunter for creating the original system.

Terms and Conditions
As far as I go, go ahead. But please follow the guidelines set by Moghunter below.
Terms of use
Terms of use (Translated)
is it possible to make more than 3 save slots?
I mean at least like 9 or something like that?
Well, certainly. RPG Advocate created his "Unlimited Save Files" script back in 2006 which was defaulted to a nice sized 99 files capacity. Seriously, who has 99 game files in an RPG ga----- okay, that's me playing Oblivion.

However, this version will contain no changes with the exception of bug repairs (if any) in an effort to remain true to the aesthetics and intent of Moghunter's original. While script requests is good for inquiries for new scripts, Code Support is a good place to search for or post script mergers.
(07-28-2016, 03:34 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Well, certainly.  RPG Advocate created his "Unlimited Save Files" script back in 2006 which was defaulted to a nice sized 99 files capacity.  Seriously, who has 99 game files in an RPG ga----- okay, that's me playing Oblivion.

However, this version will contain no changes with the exception of bug repairs (if any) in an effort to remain true to the aesthetics and intent of Moghunter's original.  While script requests is good for inquiries for new scripts, Code Support is a good place to search for or post script mergers.

lol DerVVulfman I have 482 saves in skyrim!
every rpg should have unlimited saves!
Okay im going to make a request then in the right section.