03-05-2008, 06:33 PM
Action Battle System - ABS
No support given.
Fri Sep 15, 2006 - Mr.Mo
No support given.
Fri Sep 15, 2006 - Mr.Mo
Version : V 4.5
I wasn't happy with all the other ABSs, so I made this ABS with many features and customizable as possible.
I've also made a different ABS called ABS Lite. The difference is that the ABS Lite reduces lag by alot but it does not have Event Vs. Event. ABS Lite
Here are some(most features can be toggled off/on, see the help file);
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- Improved AI
- Event Vs Event
- Player Vs Event
- Able to choose if a monster attacks the closest enemy or random
- Able to assign any hot keys for skills and items.
- Able to use Non-Ranged Skills(attacks closest enemy)
- Able to choose button Mash time for each attack or skill. If left blank the default is 3 seconds(can change).
- Displays Damage
- Level Up Display
- Kick Back Effect
- Fade dead enemies
- ABS off/on. i.e $ = false # Off
- Dash and Sneak, can be turned off.
- Able to turn off and on the hud.
- Able to animate monsters and player.
- State Effects and Animations
- Smaller Animations
- and more..! (See the Help File)
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Version 4.5
- Optional Fable Revive Effect - The player revives his/her self if the player has a revive item.
- Attacker Animation - If using an item, skill, or weapon the attacker animation in the database now plays.
- Fixed the ABS disable/enable problem. Call script : $ = false to disable and $ = true to enable. It will only disable the Enemies and the Player's able to attack or follow the ABS AI. To disable States, Dash and Sneak look in to the help file.
- Added the option to change Font, Font Color, and Font Size.
- Fixed minor bugs, unreported bugs.
- Option to make Animations Smaller
- State Effects
- Fixed minor bugs, reported bugs.
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# The ABS can be used to setup wars and make fights between NPCs. Imagination is
# the limit.
# The events do not need to attack the player. Just remove the 0 from the hate
# group list.
# You can make an event a dummy, it can still be attacked, but it won't retaliate.
# This is usefull for practices, or teacing the player how to fight. It can also
# be used for NPC's.
# Make allias for the player. Remove the 0 from the hate group list and add all
# the monsters(their Enemy IDs, database) on the map. The allias won't
# follow the player or anything but they would attack other monsters giving
# the effect of allince.
# Monster Pit Fights can also be made.
Enemy AI
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# 0 = Dummy - Will not attack but can be attacked
# 1 = See Range - Will attack only if it can see an enemy
# 2 = Hear Range - WIll attack only if it can hear an enemy
# 3 = Hear or See Range - Will attack if it can see or hear enemy
# 4 = Ally Under Attack - Will attack if its ally is under attack and if it can
# see or hear the enemy
Enemy Explanation
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# Hate Points - The enemy will randomly give out hate points to all of it's enemies.
# Later, it's enemies will be ordered from most to least hate points.
# Hate Groups - The enemy will attack hate groups, meaning other enemies.
# The hate group enemies aren't considered allies.
# The player's hate id is 0.
# Do not use the event ID, use the Monster ID, you can find it
# in the Database, Enemies Tab.
# Closest Enemy - The enemy will attack the closest enemy, if met the right AI
# conditions. Hate points are no longer needed, if this BOOLEAN
# is true.
![[Image: absgh6.png]](
Content Hidden
- How can I disable HUD when the game starts?
o Go to Mr.Mo's HUD > find the line super(-16, -16, 700, 700) > Right under it add self.visible = false
- How can I disable/show HUD in game?
o In game Script Call the following: $scene.hud_hide to hide, $scene.hud_show to show. There is a problem with hiding, if you come back to the map, the hud will show again. To prevent this go to this post and follow it's insturactions.
- Your ABS isn't compatible with ______ menu system.
o Link me to the menu system
- Your ABS isn't compatible with ______ title system.
o Link me to the title system
- I'm getting an error!
o Take a screen and tell me what you were doing.
- How can I.....?
o Only ask if you have read the help file.
- Can you make a custom HUD?
o Just draw a design for your HUD and PM Axerax, he might or might not help you.
- Destruction Engine Denied
- Summons that fight by you.
Works only with the SDK 1.5. Should be compatible with everything except some menu systems that doesn't edit Scene_Menu. Does not work with Netplay Plus or anyother ABS or SBABS systems.
Version 4.5
Mirror 1 -
Mirror 2 -
Read the help file. Its short. For further examples, look in to the script.
In the demo the player animates, you can disable this if you wish.
Mouse Based ABS - IMS
This is an add-on for the abs. It is combined with the Interactive Mouse System.
Notice the mouse icon changes to sword.
![[Image: absimsfr3.png]](
Notice now it changes to bow.
![[Image: absims2gk8.png]](
This is an add-on for the abs. It is combined with the Interactive Mouse System.
Notice the mouse icon changes to sword.
![[Image: absimsfr3.png]](
Notice now it changes to bow.
![[Image: absims2gk8.png]](
Thanks and Credits
Credit me and Near Fantastica.
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# Thanks to Near Fantastica's methods;
# - In Range?, Get Range, In Direction?, enemy_dead?, treasure
# - Class Game_Range(highly modified for convinience)
# - Scene_Skill(main, update_shk)
This is not an edit of Near Fantastica's ABS. I wrote mines from scratch, except for the methods I listed.
If you plan to use the blonde girl that comes with this, give credit to Prexus too, for using them.
If you plan to use the Hud:
Credit Trickster for the Gradient Bars
Credit Me for coding it.
Credit Axerax for designing it and coding it