This is more than a conventional bump.
This is a rebranding!
"Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced" has gone through a system rewrite and has now been rebranded as AnimBat! Version 1.0
Reorganized and with many scripts within rewritten, it should come as no surprise that this system now uses "THREE" configuration scripts. Broken into three, the end user can now focus on what he/she wishes to tweak.
The system has a more in-depth and accurate method to detect the battlesystems in use. This should cut down on possible errors.
There were a number of bugs in the system that were not reported, be it a z-Depth issue involving attacker/victim overlapping or enemies not properly vanishing if they were meant to escape.
Some patches were put into place that actively benefited other battlesystems, such as attack cancellations with Fomar0153's Action Cost system.
For those who still use the RTAB system by cogwheel, there is no longer any need to employ a separate script to bypass his native camera pan/zoom feature. It is natively disabled by AnimBat! And likewise, there is no longer a separate RTAB patch as Minkoff's Animated Battlers previously required.
Meanwhile, new features have been added.
There's been many requests to allow battlers to step forward from their group to begin chanting spells. An enhancement to a feature where a hero or enemy must spend some time to get a skill ready for action, you have always had an option to make the character go through some form of active pose. Now, you can have the character step forward before he or she even begins to chant a spell.
For some time, the battlers could move to the center of the screen to perform a special attack. This, a feature that the game developer would need to code. But Alistor of HBGames and Save-Point.Org requested that the attacker could stay verically lined up with their target when moving to the center of the battlefield. So yep, it's been added.
Easy enouth to add was a battler death feature by hanetzer. In essence, he wanted it so one could assign the traditional 'collapse' death to certain battlers while others would still use the Minkoff/Cybersam styled dead-pose animations.
And a long-awaited feature for those who use scripts that allow multiple weapon attacks. Battlers who use two or more weapons do not return to their formation until they have finished their attack. If a hero has two weapons, he doesn't run up to a ghost and slash with the first and return to his group, only to run back on the field for the second weapon swipe. This feature is compatible with Guillaume777's Multi Slot Equipment Script, Fomar0153's Two Weapons, and DerVVulfman's MultiSlots!