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Im using version 13.2 enhanced with Charlie's battle script the CTB, my skills at scripting are a bit low lol, i was reading the manual for the configuration of the battlers and i already found how to use the default battlers graphics as battlers, but what i was wondering (cant seem to find it) is if you can use the default char graphics as battlers? sorry if the questions seems a bit odd but if it's possible and inside the guide, maybe i can do it myself if you tell me where it is. that aside i think the work done with the sript (version 13.2 and the side view) is great
Ah, go to the 1st page and get the 'PREMADE CONFIG' page for characterset battlers. You'll just have to have copies of the charsets in your battle folder as well as using that replacement config page. Winking
Great script been using it for years. I did notice a bug with Enemy Transform though. It messes up a lot of stuff if you try to use it.
Hey, Helladen! Haven't heard from you in years! :cheery: Glad to see ya.

As to the Transforms, one does have to be careful. But if handled properly,it works fine. Charlie Fleed's system enables transforms from 'actors' so... it's more 'practice practice practice.

Now if I could get a 'blend' or fade into effect, that would be great. But the moment you gain a new battler image, you lose the first. As such, no blend effect is possible as yet.
Just add an extra sprite to Sprite_Battler at 0 opacity, then fade it in while the current battler fades out?
A sprite-within-a-sprite, in other words. >.>
I think it might be force actions. Trying to figure it out. I can't get it to change my battler's sprite. They get stuck on a later on boss in the game where I can't remove or add party members. They'll stack on top of each other basically.

EDIT: I figured the bug out. It is when a battle animation is forced or damage is forced on the battler. I just took those two out of one of my boss fights and now it works.

Glad you remember me! Your my hero at ruby scripting.
first off, a big thanks DerVVulfman for all the work you've spent upgrading this killer system!! the jump and dodge effects make it that much cooler, its an incredible system

well i had a few questions regarding the system if you have time. i searched the net but failed to find any help about how to pull this certain feat off, XD heres my problem >>

1) I'm currently attempting to provide a 12th animation pose to the 11-pose spritesheet for each character, this would be an attacking animation for each characters "overdrive/limit break" attack. you put together a great instruction manual, and i know it involves editing pose values, but to tell you the truth i'm just plain stumped!. (this 12th overdrive animation row would have quite a few more frames than the standard 4, and each character's overdrive frames would vary) so i know i'll have to edit each characters values accordingly.

2) for such attacks I know it'd be best to include a multi-hit script to trigger the damage, and since its not an animation made with the RMXP's editor, but the spritesheet itself, would it be possible to achieve this with any scripts out there?

3) and lastly! I would like to extend frames for the character's ready poses past the standard 4, (still using the 11pose sheet). which involves the pose values again.

Thanks ahead of time DerVVulfman, and if these are included in the manual already i'm real sorry to bug you. any help would be greatly appreciated !
The beginning of the script has values of: MNK_FRAMES and MNK_POSES. Here' you set the maximum sizes of your spritesheet. In this case, MNK_POSES would be 12 rather than 11. But remember that all your spritesheets must have 12 poses (with these exceptions below*). And I don't know how many frames you plan for your overdrive/limitbreak pose. But if you plan on having 9 frames of animation, you'd set MNK_FRAMES to 9. Just leave MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD set to 4 if most poses have just 4 frames.

If you have enemies that do not have limit breaks, you can just leave their 12th pose empty, or you can use this: MNK_POSES_ENEMY. Fill that hash array with the enemies that have poses fewer than 12. This array can set up some enemies with 14, some with 12, some with 9... all at the same time. But... I won't go crazy on the details. It may be simpler to just leave your 12th pose empty for enemies.

And as to the overdrive skill, you would be assigning these special skills with the MNK_POSES_SKILLS hash array. For example MNK_POSES_SKILLS = = {57 => 12, 61 => 12} assigns both skills 57 and 61 to have 12 poses of animation. Winking But... that covers assigning your overdrive skills to use the 12th pose.

Adding additional frames beyond the standard frames requires the 'above' MNK_FRAMES value (to set the max), the MNK_STANDARD_FRAMES to set an average number, and... MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE. By using THIS hash array, you can tell it that pose #12 uses 7 frames of animation like...
MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE = { 12 => 7 }. Likewise, you could also set the ready pose (pose #1) to 6 frames like MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE = { 1 => 6}.

Combine them like this: MNK_FRAMES_PER_POSE = { 1 => 6, 12 => 7}, and both poses will have their own sets of frames.

Hope that helps.

... You gotta play around with multi-Hits scripts. Better to use one that gives additional hits rather than one from a multiple-slots script like Guillaume777's or Mine. You could make a special pose that makes the guy perform more than one sword swing if you time it right. It's a pain, but it can be done.
I think this script is awesome but I have a couple of questions.

1. When the character uses a skill the battler returns to the idle pose before the animation is completely finished. Is there a way to make it so that the battle stays in the skill pose until the skill animation is completely finished?

2. I'm using Cogwheel's RTAB w/ extras and when I use cooperative skills only one battler uses the skill pose while the other one just stay in the charge pose when the skill is used. Is there a way to make both battlers show the skill pose when a cooperative skill is being used?
1) I am afraid that I have no control over the timing of the battle animations themselves, so I cannot sync the skill pose animations to signal them. And I cannot tell when a battle animation starts or ends, so I cannot design a method which would pause and unpause the animation system while it is being performed.

I am afraid you would have to handle both 'user' and 'target' animations to work with the skill pose. Oh, and mind you that you can make your poses last longer than 4 frames of animation. But that takes some effort. the configuration section is described in the .pdf manual in the first post.

2) All the combined skills scripts that I have seen only do one thing, perform a specific skill when a select number of skills have been logged. It is always triggered by the 'last' actor in that turn. I say in that turn because there are systems that perform combined skills for even the default battlesystem.

None of the combined scripts out there save 'who does what' in a combined effect system. They only log the skills and not the actors performing them. For a combined effect system to allow the action of two or more of my animated battlers to jump forward and perform simultaneous skill animations, I would need to have them stored for use. And none currently give me that info.

Until someone makes a combined skills script that longs the actors performing the skill so they can be recognized or used when the new skill effect is performed, there isn't much chance of what you (and a few others) requested being done.
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