
Full Version: (X)HTML Part 1: Basics
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(X)HTML Part 1:

Hi! My name is dokueki. You can refer to me as doku, or Spidey if you want, since that's my older alias.
Done with the introduction, now let's get to business:
I am writing an HTML tutorial, and splitting it into parts.
This part is the first out of the series, and it will cover (X)HTML/web design basics.
Beware! The tutorial contains lots of text. If you can't stand the reading, stay out of the topic :P
How is this article built?
Section A: HTML Syntax and How to Use it
Common HTML Tags and Properties
XHTML: What is it and Why Should I Use it?
Alright so that's it for part 1. It's not that intense, I know, but it's what you need to start. I advise you to try create basic pages with HTML and see how you do. If you know CSS, throw it there too! I will teach it very soon, but in this part we haven't learned anything practical yet. Sorry!
The next part will be intense and will teach HTML layout, and basic CSS.