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Enemy Summonings

Now in many games (RPG) you can summon monsters to the field and have them battle with or for you. Well this time I thought I would show you how to make it so your enemies can also summon monsters. So to do this follow my instructions 100%.

New Game/Project

First things first start a new project. I ask you to do this so you wont mess up your ENEMIES list for you game/project you are working on. Once that is done click the DATABASE button (its next to the RESOURCE MANAGER button). Then click the MONSTER tab and delete all monsters there (even the first one).

ATTENTION: You wont have to delete all the monsters in your games/projects because I'm only having you do i for this tutorial to not confuse you.

Now click the MONSTER GROUP tab and delete all the groups in there. Once that is done do the following..

Creating The Monsters

Note: This is an event and all events that take place during a battle must be in or added to the EVENT area in the MONSTER GROUP area.

1) Lets create the main boss who will summon this monster first. In the MONSTER area (click the MONSTER tab in the DATABASE window) click the BATTLE GRAPHIC window and pick: 035 MAGE 03.

2) Name the boss MAGE (Mage) and give it the following Stats:

Quote:Max HP: 1,000
Max SP: 500
Strength: 30
Dexterity: 40
Agility: 38
Intelligence: 50
Attack Power: 90
Phys Defense: 25
Mag Defense: 90
Evasion: 25

Then give it a few magic attacks and click APPLY.

3) Now pick any monster you want the mage to summon to battle. The create another monster with the same name & stats BUT DO NOT GIVE IT A BATTLE GRAPHIC. And give it what ever STATS you want to. Then Click Apply.

Setting Up The Battle Event

1) Click the MONSTER GROUP tab in the DATABASE window and pick your MAGE and the monster you picked (no battle graphic).

2) Now in the MONSTER GROUP area for the mage you will see a white window/box with a <> in it, click it.

3) Now click the MESSAGE button in the COMMAND EVENTS window and have the mage say something like: “You are powerful, but you are no match for me!” (with out the “ ”). Then in the same message or in a new one have him also say: “I will show you my true power.”

4) Now click tab NUMBER 3 and click the TRANSFORM MONSTER button.

5) In the top drop down box pick your monster with no BATTLE GRAPHIC, then in the bottom pick the one with a BATTLE GRAPHIC.

6) Now right above the EVENT box in the MONSTER GROUP area you will see the word TRIGGER next to a white box and a button with 3 dots (...). Click that button.

7) Click the check box TURN and in the first white box type a one (1).

8) the where it says: FREQUENCY set it to AUTO START.

9) Now click the TEST BATTLE button and you will see your enemy summon a monster.

Note: You can beef this up by adding animation to is as well.

Note 2: If you have any questions feel free to ask them here (as long as its about this Tutorial) or in our Support area.

---Lord Rasler