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Summoning System


People have made scripts for this type of system and some of them are good, but most of them are poop. This will show you how to set up a Summoning System like that in FFX (or pretty close to it) And all we are going to use is good old events.

Setting Up The Magic

To summon a monster we are going to make a magic spell to do so. So do the following:

1) Click the DATABASE button, onced opend clcik the SKILL tab.

2) Click ARRAY SIZE and increase by one.

3) Then go to the new blank skill and fill it out like so:

Quote:Name: Fire Dragon
Icon: “pick one”
Description: Magic Spell That Allows You To Summon The Fire Dragon.
Target: One Ally
Usabilty: Battle
Cast Animation: Magic
Target Animation: Skill

Thats all for now just click APPLY when done.

4) Then click the COMMON EVENT tab.

5) In a new event in the COMMON EVENT window (get there by clicking the Common Event tab in the DATABASE window) name the new event: Fire Dragon Summoning.

6) Now click the <> in the big empty box in the COMMON EVENT window.

7) Then click the MESSAGE button and type something like: “Replace What Fighter?”

8) Then click the SHOW CHOICES button.

9) Check the CHOICE 4 box and then delete the YES & NO and replace them with:

Quote:Choice One: “Name of Character”
Choice Two: “Name of Character”
Choice Three: “Name of Character”
Choice Four: “Cancel” or “ More Choices”

10) Then click the <> below each [name of character] HANDLER and click the CHANGE PARTY button and pick the the character to be changed and click the remove. Then do the same thing, but add the Summoning Monster. (do this for each HANDLER except the last one).

NOTE: All summoning Monsters must be in the HERO area (get there by clicking the DATABASE button and then the HERO tab.

11) Then un-check the check box in the CHANGE PARTY window that says: ADD IN INITIAL STATE. By unchecking it your summoning monster will level up.

12) Now go back to the SKILL area and for the Fire Dragon skill where it says: COMMON EVENT pick the event: Fire Dragon Summoming, then click Apply.

ATTENTION: Dont forget to add the skill to one of your characters. Then test it in the BATTLE TEST area found in the MONSTER GROUP area.

Now it should work. Any problams just let me know here or in the Support area.

---Lord Rasler