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Opened Chests


A common question asked by people is “How do you keep the chest open after the player opens the chest?” Yes I remember asking that question too when I was a noob at using RMXP. But now I am the teacher not the student like many people. So lets get down to it.

Basic Switches

In order to make this event happen let me give you a quick lesson about Switches. Switches are what makes something happen or complete itself.. A better example 'is having the chest stay open after the player opens in'. Switches also use the PAGE tag in an event. When you make a new event you will notice at the top of the window that appears that it says: New Page | Copy Page | Paste Page | Delete Page | Clear Page By clicking the NEW PAGE a TAG will appear ( as a number). That may not be very helpful, but its the basics.

Basic Switch Operation

Switches can be TURNED OFF or ON and activate another set of events (on a diffrent event page). The basic operation of a switch in this event is to show the CHEST opened after you get the item.

Event Set Up

Follow the steps below to have a player open a chest and have the chest stay open.

1) Right Click where you want the chest and click NEW EVENT...the event window will pop up.
2) Pick the chest you want by double clicking the small white box with the words GRAPHIC above it.
3) Now double click the larger white box called the EVENT COMMANDS.
4) Click the CHANGE ITEM button or Money or Skill, etc that you want in the chest.
Quote:*If you wish then choose the MESSAGE button and have it say something like: “ You Found 1 Potion.”
5) Now click the SWITCH OPERATION button. When the window pops up click the SQUARE button with the three dots on it (...).
6) Give the Switch a name, i. e. CHEST--OPEN and click OK.
7) Then click OK again to go back to the EVENT COMMANDS window.
8) Now click the NEW PAGE button.
9) On the new page check the box that says SWITCH then click the SQUARE button (with 3 dots) and pick the Name of the SWITCH you want.
10) Now go to the GRAPHIC and pick the OPEN CHEST image of the chest you are using.
Quote:*If you want you can use the MESSAGE button to have it say something like: “It is Empty” in-case the player tries to see what would happen.

---Lord Rasler