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Battle Count Indicator
Version: 1.00
Originally designed by ParaDog, posted at

Also contains the original Japanese version.

Translated from the original Japanese code, this menu addon tells you how many times you've entered combat, how many individual enemies you've defeated and/or how many times you've escaped. Simple customization feature built-in.

ParaDog Demo

Battle Count Indicator (Japanese Version)
Battle Count Indicator (English Translated)

Built into the script and translated for your convenience.

Given that this was created by a Japanese scripter, this system was not designed to be SDK compliant.

Credits and Thanks
To ParaDog... obviously... for creating this excellent system, and Babelfish... yep... babelfish... for translation purposes.

Terms and Conditions
Right Here
i downloaded the demo, and there wasn't anything in it about a battle count indicator. there WERE however a dozen or so other scripts with instructions in them.
I don't know where you looked, but it IS in there. Open the menu, look at where the steps window usually is and there you have it.
i found it afterall. i just didn't notice it for some reason....