03-04-2008, 04:38 AM
Battle Count Indicator
Version: 1.00
Originally designed by ParaDog, posted at
Also contains the original Japanese version.
Version: 1.00
Originally designed by ParaDog, posted at
Also contains the original Japanese version.
Translated from the original Japanese code, this menu addon tells you how many times you've entered combat, how many individual enemies you've defeated and/or how many times you've escaped. Simple customization feature built-in.
ParaDog Demo
Battle Count Indicator (Japanese Version)
Battle Count Indicator (English Translated)
Built into the script and translated for your convenience.
Given that this was created by a Japanese scripter, this system was not designed to be SDK compliant.
Credits and Thanks
To ParaDog... obviously... for creating this excellent system, and Babelfish... yep... babelfish... for translation purposes.
Terms and Conditions
Right Here
Condition of Use
[ Concerning use report ]Use report and link are unnecessary.
Unless it reports, as for the sincere one that, the air is not completed,
Please write to the bulletin board without modesty.
The curator rejoices.
[ Copyright inscription ]
When in the reason such that atmosphere of the game is impaired, indication is not suitable,
It does not indicate and the ? does not care.
Basically it is optional.
However, the case where you apply to the contest, inscription of the distribution origin becomes necessary.
(As for this the work which uses the free material not just the script inside,
The case where you apply to the contest it is basic rule)
The occasion where you apply to the contest, whether or not inscription of the distribution origin of the material is necessary
It corresponds to the code of the contest.
[ Prohibition item ]
For trouble evasion, compensation as for use with the software which is distributed
You prohibit.
Furthermore, application to prize equipped contest, the donation and magazine publication etc. of AnyWare,
Being free basically, being there is no problem in regard to those of the form which is distributed
Please use freely.
[ The sample/concerning the being defeated picture ]
The script concerning the picture which has been distributed simultaneously,
Alteration re-distributing freely, you are not concerned.
Other than using with that script, you can use even in use.
[ Remodelling the script ]
As for remodelling under self responsibility, please go freely.
However, the case redistribution script as a single unit
We request the inscription of the alteration origin.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What this translates into is:- If you find a problem with that site's links... report it, please.
- Not responsible for damages by the scripts' use.
- ParaDog's scripts are copyrighted, without need of copyright mark. Give credit.
- Free usage only. No commercial products.
- Can be posted in any forum giving credit.
- Editing is permitted, but no support will be given for these edits.