
Full Version: XP maps saved in RB files
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a script or dll or both to convert maps rxdata files in RB (Ruby) files with no encryption. The idea is to be able to design maps in XP and use them in Gosu, which uses Ruby and OpenGL to draw graphics on a window, duh. I have no idea whether or not this request could be relatively simple, but any help would be appreciated.
All the RMXP data is saved with Marshal, the ruby serializer class. You can load them in the same way the rmxp scripts do in gosu if you include the RPG::Map class (and maybe others if required), that is the data structure of maps. You can find it on the RMXP help file.

You will need also the Table RGSS class, I have created a Table clone some time ago: