
Full Version: Passive Effects Engine
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Passive Effects Engine
Version: 1.2

Based on the script of the same name this script is the base of all passive effects. It is split up into 6 parts (base, stats, damage, elements/states, map, and other)

Go to Wal~mart and watch some of the prices drop, there is your screenshot.

Download Here

The families are aggressive, this script is passive. last time I checked Aggressive != Passive. They are mean and this isn't Aggressive Effects!

See Headers for each section

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

SDK Compliant, requires at least Part I but will work better with Part III

Incompatible with Passive Effects

Credits and Thanks
Everyone who requested a Passive Effect

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.